Is Likud on the verge of a political explosion? New survey reveals potential shakeup in Israeli politics

by time news

Likud on the way to a political explosion? A new survey published this evening (Sunday) on News 13 reveals that if the Minister Nir Barkat will head the party, it would win 21 mandates if new Knesset elections were held today, compared to 16 mandates won by Netanyahu.

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In a comparison between the heads of the state camp, Minister Gadi Eisenkot Wins 39 seats if he heads the party. Benny Gantz On the other hand, he retains the political lead, but wins four fewer mandates. On the question of suitability for prime minister, Gantz gets 48% compared to 30% for Netanyahu. However, the Prime Minister enjoys a lead compared to Lapid, but compared to Eisenkot, the minister gets 45% while Netanyahu gets 32%.

Gantz keeps the lead, Smotrich recovers

As mentioned, in the Channel 13 mandate survey, Gantz maintains the lead with 37 mandates compared to 16 mandates won by Netanyahu and the Likud. Religious Zionism and Bezalel Smotrich Recovering to six mandates, the Labor Party is still below the blocking percentage. In the map of the blocs – the opposition bloc leads with 69 mandates against 46 of the coalition bloc.

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