4 out of 10 Indian workers suffer from stress: McKinsey study informs | Dinamalar

by time news

According to McKinsey survey results, 4 out of 10 people working in Indian companies feel more tired, anxious and stressed due to the workplace environment.

McKinsey Health Institute, an international consulting firm, conducted a survey of employees titled ‘Employee Mental Health and Fatigue – Time to Act’. The study was conducted among 15,000 employees and 1,000 HRD officers from 15 countries including India, Japan, Australia, and China.

Among those who participated in the study, many employees reported increased levels of irritability, distress, anxiety, and depression. Out of 10 respondents, 4 were found to have symptoms, the report said. A toxic workplace was the main reason for this, 90 percent said.

Furthermore, workplace behavior accounts for 90 percent of why employees decide to leave a company. Employees in India are about 60 percent more willing to leave their jobs, compared to the global average.

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