5 tips to take care of your health in the rainy season

by time news

We have just entered the rainy season, and it is better to be prepared at this time that can bring surprises for our well-being. Therefore, we leave you 5 tips to take care of your health in the rainy season.

It may seem simple, but you do have to keep certain things in mind when you start the rainy season.

5 tips to take care of your health in the rainy season / Photo: iStock

What should I eat so as not to get sick from the rain?

With changes in temperature, it is advisable to keep the immune system working properly, for this, diet is essential, so it is recommended to include foods high in nutrients in your diet and avoid junk foods.

  • Take care of your diet: According to the National Library of Medicine of the United States, vitamin C is not effective in preventing common diseases, however, it has been shown that people whose diet contains an adequate dose of vitamin C, have colds more short and less intense.
    According to the same source, taking supplements that contain this vitamin once the cold has started is not effective, so it is recommended to eat a preventive diet where the vitamins are present in your daily food.
  • Take shelter from the cold. Trying not to leave the house if it is not necessary can be a great measure to avoid exposure to sudden changes in temperature.
  • Dry your hair before going out: Although it may seem like very obvious advice, drying your hair before going out to expose yourself will help prevent respiratory diseases.

  • Stay away from cables or electrical outlets. If it has already started to rain, avoid going near the window or touching electrical outlets so that there is no risk of an electrical storm accident.
  • Carry an umbrella or raincoat every time you go out. Regardless of what the weather says, it’s important to be prepared so the rain doesn’t catch you by surprise, but if you do get wet anyway, the important thing is to balance your temperature with a hot shower when you get home.

    5 tips to take care of your health in the rainy season / Photo: iStock

What to do in case of rain?

The Government of Mexico, listed a series of tips to take care of your health in the rainy season, to maintain your well-being and that of your family.

If you live in risk areas near rivers or waterways, you must follow the instructions of the authorities and go to a shelter if necessary.

The most important thing will be to stay out of areas at risk of flooding or landslides.

Keep your important documentation on hand in case of evacuation and establish exit routes from the area where you are.

If you are at home, you should check power outlets and stay away from windows to avoid accidents in the event of a thunderstorm.

Avoid traveling through flooded areas because the current can drag you away or, the lack of vision can lead to a fall or accident.

In the event of imminent flooding, turn off power, water, and gas and wait for help or move to a safe place.

5 tips to take care of your health in the rainy season / Photo: iStock

What are the symptoms of hypothermia?

Given the drop in temperatures, caused by the rain, it is important that you be alert to your body and stay warm and in an area that is as warm as possible. In case you suspect that you or a loved one may have hypothermia, the Mayo Clinic site shares the symptoms to be alert for, as one of the 5 tips to take care of your health in the rainy seasonwe show you below.

  • Shaking chills
  • weak pulse
  • Lack of coordination or clumsiness
  • Drowsiness or low energy
  • In the case of babies, the skin turns red and cold
  • slurred or slurred speech

If you suspect that someone in your home is experiencing hypothermia, you should call 911 immediately so they can check it out.

Now that you know these 5 tips to take care of your health in the rainy seasonwe leave you a video on how to cure a cold naturally.

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