6 thousand students worship Jesus at university and are baptized

by time news

2024-10-16 14:28:00

While, on the one hand, anti-Christian agendas linked to progressive prejudices have advanced in current culture, especially in educational institutions, on the other hand there has also been great progress in Christian thought in these same areas. An example of this was the gathering of more than 6 thousand students in a Jesus worship service at a university in the United States.

The students gathered at the University of Mississippi during an event organized by the evangelistic movement UniteUs, which since last year has been organizing public meetings with the aim of bringing the Word of God to American students.

The last event held on the 10th was held at the Sandy and John Black Pavilion and attracted 6,600 students. “Students from one of the best schools in the country showed up last night to represent Christ and be delivered,” commented Christian artist Forrest Frank.

“I can’t wait to see what God does next,” the singer said on social media, where he shared images of the event. Writer Jennie Allen and Pastor Jonathan Pokluda of Harris Creek Baptist Church in Texas attended the event.

“Some of you carried secrets and stories, addictions and sin. This is the story (Satan) wants to tell you that you are a victim and there is no way out. And we’re here to tell you that’s not true,” Allen said.

Pokluda strengthened the appeal to Christian truth, addressing problems that have become common among today’s youth, such as emotional and psychological problems. “God wants you to stop cutting yourself, hating yourself, starving. Whatever the enemy likes, Jesus came to deliver him,” he said.


As a result of evangelization at the university, hundreds of young people gave their lives to Jesus and many were baptized on the spot, in makeshift tubs. Tonya Prewett, one of the movement’s organizers, said she believes God has greater purposes for this generation.

“I believe this is the generation that will usher in the greatest movement of God that we have ever seen, and we are seeing it,” he said, second to CBN news. “Bigger things are coming and I feel like towards the end of this year, getting to 2025, something bigger is coming. God is doing something across the nation.” Clock:

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