7 most common types of navels and what their shape depends on

by time news

The scar ‌from our birth can have very different shapes. There are rounded, outward-facing and horizontal navels, among ​others. Find ‍out what your type is.

Last update: December 1, 2024

the navel is a fibrous scar composed of the fusion​ of ligaments and muscle⁣ parts, which remains in⁣ our abdomen ⁤like ⁣the rest ⁤of the umbilical cord.‍ It usually has ‍the shape of a funnel ⁢or a hole, tho it can also happen‌ that the tissues are exposed to‍ the outside.

The shapes that the navel develops are very⁤ varied. They depend on how ​much the cord ⁣

If ⁤you notice that your belly button is very different from others, Keep in mind that‌ there is ‍no one-size-fits-all or “normal” way.. In any case, there are more or less common variants, ‍which are the ones we explain below so you can discover your type.

1. Inward Belly Button or “Deep Hollow”

this is the most ⁢common type of ⁤belly button. it is recognized as a depression in the abdominal wall.

It ‌also usually‍ has a slight crease at the top, which casts a shadow. For this‍ reason it is often compared to an open mouth.

The internal navel‍ appears when the tissues of the umbilical stump retract, at the time of cutting the ‍cord. Although it is called a “deep hole”, in some people it is just a small hole.

Within this group we can mention the round navel ⁣types. They stand out for their​ very defined circular shape, without​ folds or hoods, ⁢and are the easiest to clean.

In‌ people who have a lot of abdominal fat, the shape is more like a⁤ funnel.

2. navel out or protruding

This is⁢ a less common type of belly button. It appears when part of the newborn’s umbilical stump does ⁢not retract, but protrudes. The size of the nodule can vary from a light‌ nodule to a ⁤more pronounced one..

In some cases, it consists of tendency⁢ of the area to hernias. the wall around the navel has some weak spots and ⁣the Tissues inside the abdomen may push outward. however,in most cases,this ​poses no risk and ⁤does not require treatment.

It is indeed also common ‌in pregnant womenduring his last trimester.In some mothers, it might get hurt a⁣ bitdue to stretching of the abdomen. However, the ⁢tissue protrudes temporarily⁢ and⁣ usually returns to its normal ⁤shape after ⁣delivery.

External belly buttons are more difficult to clean properly.

3. Horizontal navel

It is a navel with a ‍slit that runs transversely across the abdomen. Most of⁤ its crease is ​horizontal and that is why it takes on a ​thin appearance. ⁤

The horizontal navel⁤ may be deep when the person has a lot ​of abdominal​ fat.⁢ Even though greater lengthening is also noted in those who have a lot of muscle⁤ mass.

4. T-shaped navel

It is a rare type of belly ‍button and is characterized by ⁢having more than one fold. ⁣ In the upper area⁣ its ⁢fold is ⁤horizontal, while the lower⁣ one is more vertical.This results in the appearance of a letter ⁤”T.”

The development of a belly button like this could be⁣ due to a normal healing process and ‍the ​body’s anatomy. However, it can also be the result of surgery or noticeable changes in body weight stretching of the abdominal skin.

7 most common types of navels and what their shape depends on

5. Vertical navel

It also has the name split navel, since it looks ⁣like ⁤a thin slit separating the abdomen‍ from top to bottom. It⁢ is similar to a letter “I”, it‌ does not ‍have much of⁢ a cap or crease at⁢ the top.

The shape is attributed to genetic factors and scarring ​of the skin around the⁢ umbilical stump.Also due ​to sudden ‌changes in weight and stretching of the skin in the ⁤abdominal area.

Some figures

6. Navel bulb

It is⁢ a type of ⁣belly button that has very little or‍ no ​crease at the topwhich is rounded. The shape is usually oval and narrows as it descends towards the pelvis. Therefore, it ⁤is similar to a light bulb or an upside down bottle.

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7. Spiral navel

It occurs when the folds of the skin heal, creating a‍ whorl. It looks like a belly button​ that has twisted inward..

the⁤ causes of this⁢ form are genetic⁤ and the procedure followed for the ‌ healing of the umbilical stump in the child. Even though it is indeed one‍ of‌ the least common types, it is very distinctive.

The vortex ‍can form progressively over the years, during growth.

¿The type of navel ‍ predict‍ your health or personality?

Even though there⁣ is a myth that ⁣the shape of​ the belly button can be indicative of⁤ someone’s health or⁣ personality, There is no scientific evidence to support these claims..‌ It ⁢is ⁤true that it ⁣is a distinctive anatomical ⁢sign and a remnant of the‍ connection ‍between mother and child in the womb, but beyond ​that it has no function.

Therefore ‍it cannot be⁢ considered a ⁤sign of temperament or predisposition to an illness.Unluckily these ideas circulate on the internet and⁣ are spread as true, but they are not.

​ however, if you feel pain in your belly button, you shoudl go⁤ to the doctor.The discomfort (not the shape) can occur due to digestive problems or due to hernias.

Can I change​ the shape‍ of my belly button?

some ​people‌ with a protruding or horizontal belly ⁣button choose‍ to ‌change their appearance with a surgical procedure known as umbilicoplasty. It is indeed a cosmetic surgery procedure that focuses on changing ⁣the size, ‌shape or position.

In general, you are⁢ looking for a horizontal​ design or a shallow hole-shaped design. It will depend on the patient’s wishes and the surgeon’s‌ advice.

It is also a recommended procedure for people who have ‍lost a ⁢significant‌ amount of weight and notice changes in the shape ⁤of their belly button due to the loose, hanging skin that remains. In these‌ cases,umbilicoplasty It is indeed part of an abdominoplastyin which excess skin tissue is removed.

your belly button ‌it is unique

There ⁢is no ideal or normal type of‌ belly button. All the ways it can develop are typical of diversity

Your belly button is ⁣a​ birthmark that will have a particular appearance, depending on your genetics, the healing process of your skin when you were a child, possible weight changes, and the anatomy of your abdominal area.

Whether or ⁤not you like its​ appearance will depend on what you consider⁢ aesthetically. Remember that if its shape makes you uncomfortable, you⁣ can consult a doctor about alternatives for ⁢a modification.

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