MC confirms non-attendance at the raffle session in the Senate

by times news cr

The bench of Citizen Movement (MC) in the Senate of the Republic will not attend the plenary session called for this Saturday, in which it is intended to carry out “an embarrassing spectacle” with the insaculation of the charges of the judging people.

Through a statement, they indicated that “the so-called reform of the Judiciary” does not seek to improve the justice system, but rather its purpose is only to capture it politically and put an end to the division of powers.

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“The popular election of judges, magistrates and ministers does not solve the problems of corruption, impunity and people’s access to justice. On the contrary, it creates a market for slogan judges,” they warned.

Furthermore, they considered that the committees that will evaluate the profiles of the judging persons will be captured by the power elites because the secondary laws do not determine what type of mechanism, principles, or election criteria the public powers will use for their integration.

Likewise, the Emecistas continued, the deadlines established in the electoral process are extremely short compared to the number of positions to be elected and the number of applicants.
Morena, they maintained, is not dimensioning the challenges, implications and costs of the reform.

Also, they warned, the National Electoral Institute (INE) is left with legal gaps and without sufficient budget for the organization of the electoral process, which compromises its professionalism and efficiency.

“The setbacks, contradictions and mistakes in both the constitutional reform and the reform of secondary laws demonstrate the improvisation, the occurrences and the tremendous decomposition within Morena.

“The senators of the orange bench express our solidarity with all the workers of the Judiciary. We value the judges who competed for their positions and have done a responsible and loyal job to the citizens and the Mexican State. We also reaffirm our recognition of the judges who, through their merits, broke the glass ceiling despite inequality,” they commented.

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They added that MC in the Senate will continue to explore all legal alternatives to combat the reform of the Judiciary.

“Citizen Movement will not validate this embarrassing spectacle that represents a huge robbery to the nation and that deeply hurts the Judiciary. May history judge with reason and objectivity those who today are destroying the constitutional order of the country,” they concluded.


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