What is the future together of Pietro Lombardi and Laura Maria Rypa? A look at the couple’s plans shows that things are getting complicated.
“We bought a house together,” wrote Laura Maria Rypa on Instagram last September. She appeared arm in arm with Pietro Lombardi, the couple looked happy. “We are planning our entire future there. We are very happy to be able to experience all the experiences there, regardless of whether the days will be beautiful or difficult.”
Now difficult days dominate the headlines surrounding the couple. There was a police operation about a week ago. The accusation of domestic violence has been in the air ever since, even if Pietro Lombardi’s lawyer has had it rejected on behalf of his client. But the singer has been banned from contact and is currently not allowed to approach their shared residence. As the Cologne police confirmed to t-online when asked, such a return ban initially applies for ten days. It is intended to “give the injured party time to file an interim injunction with the family court,” according to the statement.
But the shared house project is not affected by this. According to information from t-online, the ban on entry applies to the couple’s current residence in an exclusive Cologne district. Pietro Lombardi lives there in rent with his wife. The house that Laura spoke about at the end of last year is located somewhere else – and does not yet appear to be ready for occupancy. But what will happen to the couple’s plans to raise their children there?
At the beginning of the year, on February 25, 2024, Laura last shared an update on the construction project with her Instagram fans. “Someday it will be our home,” she captioned two different pictures of her with one-year-old son Leano Romeo.
The walls were bare, the floor had no surface: it looked like a construction site in Laura’s pictures. “We are still facing a long process with a lot of work,” said the 28-year-old. When a fan wrote to her: “I would have built a new one if I were you, there is enough money,” Laura reacted angrily. At that time she replied: “Just because you might earn a little more doesn’t mean you have to throw your money around wildly. We also pay attention to every cent.”
The financial aspect was also one of the reasons why the couple bought their own house. “I moved to Pietro’s, but we live here on rent and not for very little money,” explained Laura and added: “That’s why we decided to buy something together.” Apparently both are registered as owners of the new property.
Laura raved about the property again and again: “Old houses seem much more familiar to me, not like these newly built houses.” Plus, says Laura, “old houses have a lot more character.” Even if she is aware that it will be a lot of work to renovate the property according to her ideas. “We will completely redecorate the house,” says Laura and continues: “Every room will have completely new floors, etc..”
When the couple’s former dream home will be completed is currently just as unclear as the answer to the question of whether they will ever move into a home together.