Five dead in a road accident on IP2 in Beja | Accidents

by time news

Due to a ⁣collision between two cars at an intersection on Main Route 2 (IP2), in the parish of São Matias, in the‌ municipality ​of Beja, five deaths and two serious injuries this⁤ Friday evening, November ⁣22.

According to CNN, citing an ‌INEM source, the ‌two⁢ seriously injured are a 25-year-old woman and a 14-month-old child.

For ⁢the Lusa agency, the Baixo Alentejo Sub-Regional Emergency ‌and Civil Protection ⁣Command indicated that the accident was alerted at 6:10 pm and, almost‍ two hours later, at 8 pm, the IP2 remained closed in ‍both ⁣directions .

A GNR ‍source tells the Lusa agency that the⁤ dead are⁢ four ‍men ​aged 20, 34 and 43, and another whose age has not yet been determined. There⁣ is also a female victim whose age has‍ yet to be determined.

54‍ firefighters from‌ Beja,⁣ Vidigueira ​and Cuba,⁣ from INEM and GNR, were‍ sent to ⁣the scene, supported by 22 vehicles, including the emergency⁣ medical⁣ and resuscitation vehicle⁤ (VMER) from Beja and an Immediate Life ‌Support ambulance (SIV) from Moura , and an INEM helicopter, which was ⁣never⁣ used.

News update at 7:50 am: ages‌ of​ crash victims ⁢added

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