A fire in an oil warehouse in Bosa caused serious material damage

by time news
<img alt="Firefighters attended fire in⁣ Bosa – credit to‍ Bogotá Firefighters” class=”global-image” decoding=”async” fetchpriority=”high” height=”1536″ loading=”eager” src=”https://www.infobae.com/resizer/v2/K5XAWYY5MJGKXPHITFTASFDIYA.jfif?auth=a9a552eca4affe694c0a4af5e388e3ba211828adb93e591478498fdf548a43f9&smart=true&width=350&height=263&quality=85″ width=”2048″/>Firefighters attended fire in‍ Bosa – credit to Bogotá Firefighters

On Saturday night, December 7, 2024, the town of ‌Bosa, southwest of bogotá, ‌was the ‌scene of a structural fire that required a significant mobilization of the city’s emergency agencies, although no one was ​injured.

The incident happened in a warehouse located on ⁤Carrera‍ 88C BIS with ⁣Calle 74B Sur, in the San Bernardino sector. When the situation came to light, ⁣teams from bosa, ‌Kennedy and ⁤restrepo fire stations⁢ acted together to control ​the flames.As these reached⁣ electrical networks, the intervention⁣ of the ​Enel Colombia​ team was requested to avoid further risks.

Around 11:13 pm, firefighters‍ managed to ⁤fully control ⁢the ⁣fire, after a direct‌ attack from four working heads. Three tank trucks, four fire extinguishing machines, a‍ rescue unit and a specialized machine​ for heights⁢ took part in ‍the operation. this action also allowed for the preventive evacuation ‍of five houses ⁤near the accident site.

In addition, The Secretariat of⁣ Social Integration (SDIS) will carry​ out a​ census to provide assistance to affected families, ‍guaranteeing social and logistical ⁤support.

Mayor ‌Carlos Fernando Galán ⁣spoke about the emergency and emphasized the work of the Firefighters personnel.

The Official Fire Department of Bogotá activated its Fire Examination Team to determine the exact⁤ causes of the conflagration. ⁣Meanwhile, he reiterates the importance of following preventive measures during ‌the Christmas season, given the ‌increased‍ risk of fires this season.

Key recommendations include:

  • Avoid ‍using uncertified power strips to‌ connect Christmas lights or other electrical devices, as⁢ they can cause short circuits.
  • Turn ‍off⁢ lights ⁣and electrical devices ‌when ⁤you leave‌ hometo ​prevent possible accidents.

The 17 stations of‌ the Official Bogotá Fire Department will remain‌ on alert to ⁢respond⁢ to any emergency reported through Emergency Line 123.

Since 2023, the Secretariat of Health of ​Bogotá has issued a series of recommendations for people close to fusion to ⁤take ‌measures to avoid‌ irreversible⁣ damage to their health.

They are clear that it is ‌necesary to go to a health care center⁤ in the following cases:

  • In children under 5 years ‌of ⁤age: rapid breathing, “chest wheezing ‍or falling in ribs” ⁣and persistent coughing.
  • Fever in ⁢children under 2 months of ​age or older: fever that is challenging to control or lasts for more than‌ 2 days; weakness, drowsiness or irritability. The child cannot ⁣drink or breastfeed or does⁤ not eat anything, vomits everything. If you have ⁣seizures or ‍convulsions.
  • In ⁢the general public: shortness of breath, unusual tiredness, or chest pain. Cough with a purulent eye or blood specks. Depression or excessive fatigue, as well as confusion or altered consciousness. A fever that is difficult ⁤to control or lasts for more than 2 days.

After analyzing the effects that may occur⁣ in the​ air after a​ high-intensity‍ fire, the entity⁢ indicated that​ people should keep the windows and​ doors closed and ‍cover the‌ ventilation slits with a damp cloth.

  • Clean the surfaces⁢ and floors of the house using ⁣cloths or ⁢rags moistened with water to prevent dust ‍from rising.
  • Avoid approaching the fire ⁤area to avoid smoke inhalation.
  • Cover yoru nose⁢ and mouth with⁤ a ‍mask or moist handkerchief if you‍ are nearby.
  • limit vigorous outdoor physical activity ‍for vulnerable people such as children under 5 years of age, pregnant​ women, the elderly ‌(over 60 years of age) and‍ people with diseases such as COPD, asthma, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer on them.

What are the best practices ⁤for fire safety training in communities? ‍

title: Understanding ⁣Emergency Response: An Interview with a Fire⁤ Safety ⁤Expert

Time.news ⁤Editor: Good day, everyone! Today,‌ we’re⁤ diving into the‌ critical world of emergency ⁣response, especially focusing ‍on fire⁤ safety protocols, as exemplified by a recent incident in Bosa, Bogotá.Joining us is Dr. Laura Ruiz,a ​renowned fire safety expert with over 15 years in the ⁢field. Welcome, Dr. Ruiz!

Dr.⁢ Laura Ruiz: Thank you for having⁣ me! I’m ‌excited⁣ too ​discuss this crucial ⁣topic.

Editor: Let’s jump straight in. On‍ December‍ 7th,2024,Bosa ‌experienced a significant‍ structural fire that required a large mobilization ⁣of ‌emergency services.⁢ Can you⁤ explain the typical response process in such situations?

Dr. Ruiz: Absolutely. When a fire is ⁣reported, the first step⁤ is a coordinated response‌ from local fire departments. As seen in Bosa, multiple fire stations, including Bosa,⁣ Kennedy, and Restrepo, ⁤collaborated ⁤to‌ tackle the situation efficiently. This‌ multi-agency response allows for faster resource allocation and minimizes risks to ⁢both responders and ⁢the public.

Editor: It’s noteworthy that, although significant ⁣resources were deployed, there were ⁤no injuries reported. What factors⁤ contribute to ‌a successful outcome in such emergencies?

dr. Ruiz: Several key‌ factors are critical ‍in ensuring‌ the ‍safety of both firefighters​ and civilians. First and foremost is the training of the fire department personnel. In this case, their ‌experience and preparedness to handle structural fires likely played a ⁢significant role. Additionally, rapid communication with utility providers—like‍ Enel Colombia in this instance—allowed for‌ the safe management of the situation, especially‌ when flames⁢ reached electrical networks, which presents severe risks.

Editor: Speaking⁣ of risks, what preventive measures⁢ can ⁢communities‌ take to ​reduce the occurrence of such fires?

Dr.Ruiz: Education‍ is‍ essential.Communities can benefit from regular fire safety workshops​ and drills that teach fire prevention ⁢strategies​ and‌ proper⁣ emergency ⁢response. Regular inspections of commercial buildings and⁤ warehousing ​facilities​ are also crucial to ensure they meet fire safety regulations.Furthermore,⁣ having accessible fire exits, functioning alarms, and⁣ suppression systems can ‌drastically improve safety⁤ outcomes.

Editor: Very insightful! Regarding the warehouse in Bosa, what ​specific challenges do firefighters face ⁣while battling a fire in ⁤a commercial⁤ setting?

Dr. Ruiz: Commercial buildings often present unique challenges.⁣ They can contain hazardous​ materials, may have ‌complex ​layouts,​ and often involve‍ larger⁤ volumes⁢ of ​combustible materials. ‌Firefighters ‍must quickly assess these factors to devise ⁣an effective strategy. Moreover, the structures ‍may ‌not adhere to fire ‌safety regulations, which can complicate operations. Therefore, pre-planning and knowledge of local facilities are vital for successful intervention.

Editor: Let’s ⁣talk about‍ community involvement. How ⁣can citizens contribute to fire ​prevention and ‍effective emergency response?

Dr. Ruiz: ​ Community engagement is vital.⁣ Citizens should ‍be⁢ aware of⁢ their local emergency procedures, participate in fire safety drills, and educate themselves about ‍potential​ fire hazards in their homes‌ and neighborhoods. Encouraging open communication with local fire services can also foster ⁤a collaborative environment where information about potential risks can be shared easily.

Editor: Thank you, Dr. Ruiz, for sharing your ‌expertise with us today. ⁣It’s clear that both preparedness and community⁣ involvement are crucial in enhancing fire safety‍ and response efforts.

Dr. Ruiz: Thank you! It’s been a pleasure discussing these important issues. Remember,we⁢ all play a role ‍in fire safety.

Editor: ⁢And thank you to our audience for‍ tuning in. Stay ​safe, and remember to stay informed!

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