A huge hole in the Sun spews ultra-fast solar wind directly towards Earth – La Nación

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A monstrous dark spot, known as a coronal hole, It recently appeared near the Sun’s equator. Scientists say the size and orientation of the hole, which is wider than 60 Earths, is unprecedented at this stage of the solar cycle. Although a moderate geomagnetic storm (G2) was expected, which would cause radio blackouts and intense auroras, until today the impact has been minor.

According to specialists at NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, a huge coronal hole took shape near the solar equator in the first days of December this year, reaching a maximum width of around 800,000 kilometers. As a consequence of this event, since December 4, 2023, the Earth has been affected by solar wind emanations at extreme speed, which come directly from the coronal hole.

According to an article published in Space.com. Experts initially predicted that the recent enlargement of the coronal foramen could lead to a moderate geomagnetic storm (G2), capable of generating radio blackouts and views of female authors during these days. However, the solar wind has been less intense than expected, meaning the resulting storm has been weak (G1) so far, as reported by Spaceweather.com.

Fuente: www.elperiodico.com

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