A new cold front will approach Guatemala in the middle of the week

by time news

According to‍ the National Institute ⁤of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology​ and hydrology (INSIVUMEH), different meteorological conditions are expected for this ‌week‌ in Guatemala, due to a cold initial‍ approach ⁣and scattered rain with electrical activity starting Wednesday.

Perspective Writng

In the Central Plateau, ‌partly cloudy conditions are expected with sunny skies. The atmosphere will remain cold at night and early in⁣ the morning with a light wind that will increase ⁣starting Thursday, reaching speeds of up to 50 kilometers per⁢ hour.

In the Pacific regions,a warm and humid⁤ surroundings is expected,with little cloud in the morning. In‍ the afternoon ⁢and evening, an increase ⁤in cloudiness and scattered rain is expected ⁣towards the South-West of the country.

The Executive‌ Secretariat ⁣of ​the National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (SE CONRED) ​asks the population ⁤in view of the possible rains that ‌could ⁤generate saturation in the‍ soils in the regions mentioned above.

Considering⁤ these weather conditions, it is ‌important ‍to take measures to protect yourself from ‌respiratory diseases that can be made worse⁤ by cold and humidity. Some suggestions,​ as well as cover up, include:

– Cover your mouth and nose ⁢with a scarf or mask when in public or crowded ⁣places.

– Wash your hands​ frequently enough ⁢with soap and ​water, especially after being in public places or after being in ‌contact with sick people.

– Maintain good ventilation at home and in the workplace.

– Avoid smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke, as they can put people at risk of respiratory diseases.

It is important to follow the instructions of⁣ the local ⁣authorities and stay informed through ​the official accounts of ‍CONRED and INSIVUMEH to be‌ prepared for any situation.

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