a professor dismissed by the Council of State

by time news

2024-10-08 16:28:18

Jean-Luc Coronel de Boisenton, in Montpellier, 8 February 2019.

The final dismissal: at the end of a legal saga that lasted six years, the Council of State imposed, on 27 September, the heaviest disciplinary sanction on the former professor of legal history Jean-Luc Coronel de Boiezon for having participated in the night between March 22 and 23, 2018, in a violent evacuation of students who occupied an amphitheater of the Montpellier law faculty.

A hooded commando, partly composed of people from outside the university, equipped with boards and an electric pulse gun, had violently evicted the striking students, who were protesting against the creation of the Parcoursup platform, foreseen by the law on orientation and success student. .

In this case, the Council of State twice overturned the decision issued by the National Council for Higher Education and Research (Cneser), ruling on disciplinary proceedings. In March 2022 it had drastically reduced the dismissal sanction pronounced at first instance, in January 2019, by the disciplinary section of the academic council of the Sorbonne University – the case was closed. He preferred a simple suspension, for a period of four years, with deprivation of pay. In December 2022 the High Administrative Court annulled this deemed sanction “too weak”.

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He then sent the file to the disciplinary Cneser, who, for the second time, pronounced the same sanction, on 4 September 2023, on the basis of the fact that, on a criminal level, in the meantime, the sentence decided by the Court of Appeal of Montpellier in February 2023 – a one-year suspended prison sentence – had been mitigated, with a partial acquittal for the violence committed against one of the victims.

The rector of the University of Montpellier, Philippe Augé, and the then minister of higher education and research Sylvie Retailleau had therefore decided to appeal again to the Council of State, in cassation, against the teacher’s reinstatement.

“Dignity requirement”

Three charges were brought against Mr. Coronel de Boisenton: his participation in the creation of the commando, the fact of having led the group into the occupied amphitheater and, of course, his participation in the violent evacuation. For the judge of the Council of State these facts constitute “failures” the obligations of a university professor, “in particular to the requirement of dignity, and, furthermore, they damage the reputation of the public service of higher education, to which the legislator has, moreover, assigned the mission of promoting the values ​​of ethics, responsibility and exemplary nature”.

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