a second journalist dies “brutally”, the reasons for his death still unknown

by time news

Two days after the death of American journalist Grant Wahl (48), a second journalist, Qatari photographer Khalid al-Misslam, died this weekend according to the Gulf Times.

Another very sad news has just fallen during this World Cup in Qatar as revealed by the Gulf Times, that of the death of the Qatari journalist Khalid al-Misslam.

The reasons for the death of this photographer have not yet been revealed and the circumstances not yet established. The Gulf Times only reveals that Khalid al-Misslam died “suddenly”.

Two deaths in a few hours

Khalid al-Misslam worked for the state broadcaster Al-Kass, which said he was in mourning on social media, but did not specify the circumstances of his employee’s death.

His death comes a few hours after that of American journalist Grant Wahl (48), possibly the victim of a cardiac arrest which occurred on Friday during the quarter-final between Argentina and the Netherlands.

The American journalist had warned of his delicate state of health for a few days on his site: “ My body finally collapsed. Three weeks of little sleep, high stress and a lot of work can do this to you, Wahl wrote on his website on Monday. What had been a cold for the past ten days turned into something more serious the night of the USA-Netherlands game, and I could feel my upper chest taking on a new level of pressure and of discomfort. Wahl had assured that his COVID test was negative and that he had sought treatment for his symptoms.

He said he was briefly detained by the security services for wearing a rainbow t-shirt at the start of the World Cup.

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