A 32-year-old woman tries to kill her 42-year-old techie boyfriend first with a poisoned cocktail and then with muffins to claim his €3m inheritance.
Bernadette H. is called the “Ice Lady” in Austria. Her story begins in 2022. Then the owner of a failed confectionery succeeds in deceiving Andreas – an extremely rich agricultural machinery technician.
She tells him that she is pregnant with his child and manages to convince him to make her his sole heir.
52 days later, Bernadette gives Andreas a “special drink” made from “magic mushrooms” (hallucinogenic mushrooms).
When the man drinks it, he loses his sight and almost his life.
Only the prompt initiation of treatment and flushing of the blood prevented the very likely inevitable death, Kronen Zeitung reports.
According to the investigations, a few months later, Bernadette H. also served the farmer homemade muffins containing sleeping pills.
According to the prosecution, while the man was falling asleep, the confectioner cut his left wrist with a knife.
Hours later, Bernadette called for help and reported that her partner “is a chronic alcoholic and apparently tried to commit suicide,” according to Bild.
“My client was indeed pregnant. She saved Andreas’ life by calling the emergency doctor. She definitely didn’t mean to kill him,” her lawyer claimed.
On November 5, 2022, Andreas ended his relationship with Bernadette and permanently removed her from his will.
On May 17, 2023, the woman’s 10-year-old daughter contacted police at 6:15 a.m. and said her mother had been stabbed by her ex-boyfriend.
The report reports that Bernadette was able to defend herself and chase Andreas away with a blank pistol. He had previously shouted “If I can’t have you, then no one will.”
Andreas is detained. But his voice assistant Alexa gives him an alibi. It becomes clear that the man was at his home in Glinzendorf throughout the night of the crime – ten kilometers from the crime scene.
Bernadette H. was later found to have faked the knife attack herself. She was arrested and Andreas F. was released.
On November 5 this year, the two will meet again – in front of the district court in Korneuburg, writes bTV.
“No one should ever find out that it’s all made up,” Bernadette wrote in letters to her daughter from her cell.
And Andreas’ health is not good at all. According to his lawyer, the destruction of the optic nerve also affects the man’s brain. Two security guards will accompany him to the trial.
Bernadette H. is threatened with lifelong placement in an institution for the mentally ill.
The police investigated the incident for two years. The woman is charged with two counts of attempted murder, perjury in several cases and various defamations.