A wonderful astronomical phenomenon seen with the naked eye in the sky of Egypt now belbalady.net

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Howler meteor showers..

The sky of Egypt is witnessing now, howler meteor showers, which are considered one of the wonderful and beautiful astronomical phenomena in viewing, monitoring and imaging, and this is an astronomical phenomenon that all amateur astronomers and those interested in this field look forward to.

Dr. Ashraf Tadros, Professor of Astronomy at the National Institute for Astronomical Research and former head of the Department of Astronomy, said that the howitzer meteor shower is a medium meteor shower that astronomers all over the world are waiting for.

Dr. Tadros stated that howler meteor showers reach more than 40 meteors per hour, assuming the darkness of the sky and the clearness of the atmosphere, and they are caused by the remnants of an old asteroid known as 2003 EH1 that was discovered in 2003.

The astronomy professor explained that howler meteor showers are called the Quartets, in reference to the ancient constellation (Quadrans Muralis), which was deleted by the International Astronomical Union in 1922 and was located between the constellations of Howling and the Dragon.

These meteors fall as if they were coming from the constellation Howl Bootes), which is the reason for their name, but meteors can appear anywhere else in the sky.

And Dr. Ashraf Tadros indicated that the almost complete moon will dominate the sky this year, and it will obscure most of the meteors except for the bright ones, as the humping moon will obscure most of the faint meteors.

The astronomy professor noted that the best conditions for viewing meteor showers in general are from a dark place completely far from the city lights after midnight, provided that the sky is clear and free of dust and clouds.

The red planet appears in the sky of Egypt

On the other hand, the sky of Egypt is witnessing a new astronomical phenomenon, which is the conjunction of the moon with the planet Mars (the red planet), in a scene that all astronomy amateurs and those interested in this field are looking forward to monitoring and imaging if the opportunity allows them, and the National Institute for Astronomical Research revealed this phenomenon.

Dr. Ashraf Tadros, Professor of Astronomy at the National Institute for Astronomical Research and former head of the Department of Astronomy, confirmed that the conjunction of the Moon and Mars (the red planet) can be observed after sunset on Tuesday, January 3, and the entry of the night until Mars sets after approximately 4:20 in the morning of the day. Jan 4th.

The astronomy professor noted that in order to be able to observe any astronomical phenomenon, such as the conjunctions of the moon with the stars and planets, or the birth of the crescents of the Arab months, the matter requires clear air and the sky being free of clouds, dust and water vapor.

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Source: “Al-Balad News”

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