Additional Police Security for US Consulate | Dinamalar

by time news

CHENNAI: Police security has been beefed up at the US Embassy in Chennai after the leader of the terrorist organization ‘Al-Quaita’ was killed.

Ayman al-Zawahiri, who was the leader of Al-Quaida terrorist organization, was a great threat to countries including the United States. The American intelligence agency, CIA, recently shot and killed Ayman al-Zawahiri, who was hiding in a house in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan in the South Asian country, through a ‘drone’.

Since the killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri, Al-Quaida supporters may launch an attack, so police security has been increased at the US Consulate on Anna Road in Chennai, where a ‘Vajra’ vehicle is always parked. Now more Vajra vehicles have been parked. Under the leadership of the Assistant Commissioner, 50 armed police are engaged in security. The extra security will last for a few days, police officials said.

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