Agreement in the collective bargaining dispute: More money for 1.1 million public sector employees

by time news

2023-12-09 14:49:48

Economy agreement in the collective bargaining dispute

More money for 1.1 million public sector employees

As of: 2:33 p.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes

An agreement has been reached in collective bargaining for public sector employees in the federal states. The negotiating partners agreed on an increase in wages in the third round of collective bargaining in Potsdam on Saturday. The unions and the civil service association were satisfied.

Trade unions and employers have achieved a breakthrough in the collective bargaining dispute in the federal states’ public services. As the German Press Agency learned from negotiating circles, the leaders of Verdi and the Civil Service Association dbb agreed on a deal with negotiators from the Collective Bargaining Association of German States (TdL) on Saturday.

The more than one million employees are to receive tax- and duty-free special payments totaling 3,000 euros, a base amount of 200 euros and then 5.5 percent more money. This corresponds to the conclusion for the federal and local public services from April.

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The unions also entered this round of collective bargaining with demands for 10.5 percent more income and at least 500 euros more money for the employees. If the qualification is transferred to civil servants as usual, more than three million employees will be affected.

The civil service association dbb Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the GEW union were satisfied with the collective agreement. The agreement made it possible to build on the collective bargaining agreement reached by colleagues at the federal and local authorities in the spring, albeit with a delay, said dbb regional boss Dietmar Knecht on Saturday.

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“At the same time, we were able to fend off the original frontal attack by the states to devalue those working there as second-class servants,” continued Knecht. According to dbb, almost 40,000 state employees in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are affected by the collective bargaining round – 17,000 of which are civil servants and 2,200 civil servants from the municipalities.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s GEW chairwoman Annett Lindner said: “As always, it is a compromise.” She highlighted the regulations for employees in social and educational services as good news. “In the future, they will be able to move up to higher pay levels more quickly by adjusting the salary scale levels.” However, she called a downer that only employees in the city states received an allowance.

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