All muscles of the human body and their functions

by time news

2024-02-14 15:53:26

Do you want to know what all the muscles in the human body are and the functions each one has? And it is that approximately about 650 muscleswhich account for up to 45% of body weight.

It is the organ with the greatest adaptability, being the one most responsible for our daily movements.

Types of muscles

The muscular system performs the essential function of contracting and stretching muscles, thus allowing our body to be mobile.

The complete list with all the muscles is here: List with all the muscles of the human body arranged alphabetically. Each of them fulfills certain functions, depending on its particular characteristics.

Muscles can be classified based on the type of muscle fibers that make them up. There are three main types of muscle fibers: fast-twitch skeletal muscle fibers (type IIa and type IIb), slow-twitch skeletal muscle fibers (type I), and cardiac muscle fibers.

  • Skeletal Muscles:
    • Fast-Contraction Fibers (Type IIa and Type IIb): These fibers contract rapidly and are responsible for explosive strength and power. Type IIa has an intermediate contraction speed, while type IIb has a faster contraction speed but fatigues quickly.
    • Slow-Contraction Fibers (Type I): These fibers contract slowly and are more resistant to fatigue. They are efficient in producing energy through aerobic processes and are used in prolonged endurance activities.
  • Cardiac Muscles:
    • Cardiac muscles have a specific type of muscle fiber called cardiac muscle cells or cardiac myocytes. These cells display unique contractile properties and are designed to work continuously throughout life.
  • The proportion of muscle fibers in a specific muscle can vary depending on function and physical activity. Endurance athletes, such as long-distance runners, may have a higher proportion of slow-twitch fibers, while weightlifters may have a higher proportion of fast-twitch fibers. It is important to note that, in a given muscle, there may be a mixture of different types of muscle fibers. Genetics and physical training can also influence the composition of muscle fibers in an individual.

    Main muscles of the human body

    These are some of the most important ones.

    Temporal. Also called the crotaphites muscle, it is responsible for making us open and close the jaw; In addition, it maintains its position when resting.

    It belongs to the so-called “mastication muscles” and has great strength.

    Sternocleidomastoid. It is the main muscle regarding flexion of the head and neck. Without it we would be unable to turn our heads laterally, front and back, and towards the shoulders; all of this in conjunction with the other muscles in the area. It originates from the sternum, passing through the clavicle and landing on the back of the skull.

    We have such a muscle housed on each side of the neck.

    Deltoid. It is located in the arm, located at the top and side of the shoulder. It receives this name because of its similarity to the Greek letter delta, and is the main engine of movement of the arm. It is an abductor muscle, thanks to which we can separate the arm from the body. It also influences the rotation, flexion and extension movements of this area.

    Rectus major abdominis. It is essential for flexion and rotation of the lumbar region of the spine. It extends throughout the entire abdomen, and among its functions is being responsible for making us contract the torso towards the hips and vice versa. It also controls the movements of the pelvis.

    Brachial biceps. This muscle allows us to flex the elbow, as well as perform other movements with this part of the body. It belongs to the anterior region of the arm, covering the coracobrachialis and brachialis anterior muscles.

    Gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. This set of muscles in the human body plays an important role in the mobility of the legs, pelvis and spine. The gluteus maximus makes it possible for us to move our thighs backwards, also promoting the stability of the pelvis.

    For its part, the gluteus medius abducts and rotates the thigh, being essential when we walk; while finally, the gluteus minimus is responsible for separating the hip.

    Long lateral peroneus. It is located in the leg, on the external lateral surface, and gives us the possibility of rotating the foot laterally. Thanks to it we extend our foot forward and move it from one side to the other. It fulfills the triple function of extensor, abductor and rotator.

    These are the main ones from the extensive list that includes all muscles of the human body. To take care of them I recommend that you read this other article: What to do to strengthen your muscles?

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