Amber Rose Addresses Wild ‘College Hill’ Brawl, Implies Big Talkers Can’t Fight

by time news usa

<a href="" title="Amber Rose - Speaking for Trump: Kudos">Amber Rose</a> Addresses Wild ‘College Hill’ <a href="" title=""...otherwise we get angry!" turns 50, the almost metaphysical poetics of friends/rivals Bud Spencer and Terence Hill -">Brawl</a>, Implies Big Talkers Can’t Fight

Amber Rose Addresses ‘College Hill’ Brawl … Talkers Can’t Back It Up!!!

Amber Rose speaks softly and carries a big right hook … she was asked about her brawl with Joseline Hernandez on “College Hill: Celebrity Edition” and chose not to talk trash directly.

The model hosted a Halloween-themed birthday bash Saturday, complete with a red carpet where she took questions — including one about the infamous fight between her and Hernandez on ‘College Hill’ in 2023.

When asked about the recent footage that showed she didn’t take a beating like many believed, Amber — dressed like Marie Antoinette — responded that she’s from South Philadelphia … she knows how to brawl.

She implied that big talkers can’t back it up with their fists in a rather half-hearted response, which you should listen to for yourself.

She ended her discussion by expressing hope that Joseline, her partner, and her daughter are doing well these days.

TMZ broke the story of the set’s full unedited fight released back in July, which escalated after Hernandez accused Rose of not being proud to be Black.

Rose gets up and starts wailing on Hernandez, only stopping when others in the class pull them apart.

A picture is worth a thousand words … and it looks like AR is going to let the video do her talking for her.

What are your thoughts on Amber Rose’s comments regarding the brawl? Join the conversation in the comments below!

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