Amid protests, the Michoacan Congress votes to decriminalize abortion

by times news cr

Despite the rejection of anti-abortion groups that set up outside Congress, the deputies of Michoacán decriminalized abortion in that state, up to before 12 weeks of gestation.

With 27 votes in favor, six against and three abstentions, the 76th Legislature endorsed this Thursday, October 10, the decriminalization of abortion.

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After reading the opinion, prepared by the Justice commission, at the urging of Morena and its allies, the voice against it was from the PT deputies, Baltazar Gaona and Belinda Hurtado, who, despite being part of the ruling party, rejected abortion.

However, with only seven votes in favor and 24 against, his attempts at a suspensive motion were rejected by the majority.

Morena’s deputies, Olimpia Garibay and Giulianna Bugarini, demanded to give seriousness to the matter and clear up the session.

Then came the positioning. The PAN representative, Vanessa Caratachea, spoke first, who accused that abortion goes against the right to life, which the Morena representative, Fabiola Alanís, refuted by defending that women have the human right to choose about their body.

With Michoacán, there are now 15 states where abortion has already been decriminalized.


As he had done in the past, during other debates on the subject, deputy Baltazar Gaona broke a doll to represent the dismemberment of a fetus and describe the event as a heinous crime.

PAN member Antonio Salas reproached that the ruling proposes decriminalization until before 12 weeks, which he reproached for constituting murder.

In this regard, deputy Fabiola Alanís clarified that this refers to the fact that decriminalization will apply when the interruption is voluntary before 12 weeks, and that it will not be penalized when after this period violation or malformation or any condition that puts at risk is proven. mother’s life.

Despite this approval, feminist groups warned this day that although decriminalization represents progress, it comes two years after the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) declared the absolute ban on abortion unconstitutional.
In addition, they criticized that the ruling was processed a year after the same Court ordered the state to guarantee the necessary medical services for those who decide to have an abortion.

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