AMLO said goodbye with a tremendous capital gain in the Afores

by times news cr

According to the National Commission of the Retirement Savings System (Consar), Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) said goodbye to the presidency with a capital gain in the Afores.

That is, workers’ savings accounts recorded a significant profit and stability in the financial market prior to the change of federal government.

However, despite receiving good news for the active Afores, Consar also detailed that in 2024 increased the unemployment withdrawals

AMLO leaves the presidency with important figures in the Afores

Consar shared excellent news for the workers, and that is that the end of AMLO’s six-year term was accompanied by capital gains in your Afore accounts that achieved historic figures of 1 billion 59 thousand 142 million pesos.

The data shared by the agency indicates that the accumulated profits in 2024, between the months of January to September, show a total of 630 thousand 655 million pesos.

In the month of September alone, the last month as president of AMLO, the Afores achieved capital gains greater than the 173 thousand 502.6 million pesoswithout being affected by the volatility of the financial market.

This is because the possibility of variations was raised due to the uncertainty over the reform of the Judicial Branch, which finally ended up not happening.

With these data AMLO left good figures in the accounts for the retirement of workers, also accompanied by his decision to install the calls Welfare Pensions.

Afore (Daniel Augusto Sánchez Moreno)

Unemployment withdrawals increased in 2024: Consar

Although Afore accounts registered a significant increase in 2024, another section also obtained a similar result.

And according to the registered figures, withdrawals from accounts due to unemployment They exceeded 21,610 million pesos.

According to Consar, this situation represents an increase in the salary of workersso the figures may result in high cumulatives.

It is important to specify that if workers withdraw due to unemployment, they subsequently have the possibility of repay the amount borrowedwith the aim of not affecting the total pension to be received after retirement.

AMLO said goodbye with a tremendous capital gain in the Afores

Afores Fair in CDMX (Isaac Esquivel / Cuartoscuro)

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