Baghdad – IA
The Federal Integrity Commission announced today, Monday, the implementation of two arrest operations, the first of an employee in one of the formations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in Kirkuk Governorate. For extortion and bribery, and the second for violations and suspicions of corruption that affected one of the projects in the Dibs district.
A statement by the Commission received by the (INA) said: “The Government Information and Communications Office, and speaking about the two operations that were carried out based on two judicial memorandums, indicated that” a work team formed in the Kirkuk Investigation Office moved to the Department of Labor and Vocational Training in Kirkuk, which is affiliated with the (INA). of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and was able to arrest an employee in the department. Because she blackmailed one of the reviews and demanded a sum of money from her; In exchange for inclusion in the social welfare salary.
He continued, “The work team set up an elaborate ambush for the accused in the middle of the governorate, where she was arrested in accordance with the provisions of Resolution (160 of 1983), red-handed in receiving a bribe,” pointing out that “the accused admitted to defrauding citizens, and misleading them into being appointed in exchange for financial sums.”
The office confirmed that it had detected suspicions of corruption in the speculative inspection project related to the construction of the Agriculture Division building in Dibis District, whose cost amounts to (247,500,000) two hundred and forty-seven million dinars from the allocations of the Emergency Support Law for Food Security, in accordance with the instructions for “executing works in trust.”
The office indicated that, after conducting an audit and investigation by the Kirkuk Investigation Office, several violations were observed that accompanied the implementation of the project, indicating that a subcontracting office implemented part of the project in excess of (40%) of the approved cost, in violation of instructions for implementing government contracts.
He pointed out, “Not concluding a contract with the implementing office in contravention of the instructions for implementing the general budget and the instructions for implementing government contracts, which obligated state institutions to organize contracts with companies in the event that the amount of work exceeds (50,000,000) fifty million dinars, to regulate contractual obligations, including late fines, and ensure proper implementation.”
He noted the organization of two original arrest reports for the two operations, and presenting them, along with the accused and the seized exhibits, to the judge of the Kirkuk Investigation Court, which is competent to examine integrity cases, who decided to detain the accused pending investigation in accordance with the provisions of Resolution (160 of 1983).”