BOLZANO. Andreas Colli break up with Jürgen Wirth Anderlan and leaves the council group. The former mayor of Castelrotto writes in an open letter that the JWA list was able to intercept the need for change in the Province, but the work carried out so far “has not been satisfactory and partly even counterproductive”.
Colli complains that some decisions were not agreed upon and that he could not “abandon some principles”. The provincial councilor confesses that he has been thinking about leaving the council group for some time. He will remain in the council as a “free councilor without a party”.
The now former colleague Wirth Anderlan initially says he is calm. “On several occasions I offered him a clarifying meeting which however was never accepted.” “The JWA list was born as a group of free candidates with no obligations towards the council group”, for this reason he says he does not understand Colli’s motivations.
The number of groups in the provincial council in Bolzano with a single councilor thus rises to nine.