Mark Zuckerberg has recently criticized Apple a lot. He said that Apple has not created anything new for the last 20 years. When Meta CEO was asked why Apple remains the highest earning tech company, he said that iPhone was created by Steve Jobs, Apple is still capitalizing on its success till date. He said that nowadays less people are buying iPhone because every new version is becoming worse than the old version.
Mark Zuckerberg criticized Apple
Mark Zuckerberg said that the sales of Apple iPhone are continuously falling, because one reason could be the charging of paid apps. According to Mark Zuckerberg, Apple is charging more for these app purchases, due to which people are moving towards Android instead of iPhone. He has criticized Apple for its decision to impose 30 percent tax on app developers.
Apple is blocking others
Mark Zuckerberg expressed his displeasure and said that Apple does not want anyone else’s app to run smoothly on the iPhone. Giving the example of AirPods for this, he said that the same connection technology of other companies is blocked by Apple. According to Zuckerberg, if Apple does not block other headphones or EarPods with the iPhone, the market for AirPods will be closed.
Apple will soon be out of the market
Mark Zuckerberg said that Apple’s new VR headset costs $3,500, which is not better than Meta’s cheaper headset. Zuckerberg said that Apple does not allow Ray-Ban smart glasses to work well with the iPhone. For this he gives security as an excuse. Mark Zuckerberg said that Apple will soon have to exit the market because they are not doing anything new. Let us tell you that Apple has rolled out the intelligence feature in iPhone 16. Otherwise, not much changes have been made.