Ara Khzmalyan and Jose Avelinu Betancourt discussed joint projects of preservation of Christian cultural heritage between Armenia and the Holy See

by time news

2023-06-16 11:59:39

RA Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Ara Khzmalyan received Archbishop Jose Avelinu Betancourt, apostolic nuncio of the Holy See (Vatican).

Welcoming the guest, Ara Khzmalyan expressed hope that within the framework of the 30th anniversary of the diplomatic relations of the two countries, cooperative ties will be further strengthened and new joint projects will be implemented.

At the meeting, joint projects of preservation, dissemination and internationalization of Christian cultural heritage between Armenia and the Holy See were discussed. Reference was also made to the establishment of the apostolic endowment of the Vatican Embassy in Armenia, the seat of the Holy See, which will be a great stimulus for the deepening and development of intercultural ties.

Within the framework of the 850th anniversary of the death of Patriarch Nerses Shnorali (included in the UNESCO calendar of famous people and important events for the biennium 2022-2023), the possibilities of bringing important bilateral values ​​to the arena and coming up with joint initiatives were also discussed.

Ara Khzmalyan thanked for the meeting and noted that the mission of the Holy See is invaluable in establishing peace-loving values ​​and expressed confidence that responsibility for Christian values ​​is universal.

The parties expressed their willingness to direct cooperative efforts to the implementation of initiatives and programs of mutual interest in the field of culture.

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