Army and National Guard are denounced in Nuevo Laredo for killing a girl and 2 more people

by times news cr

Elements of the Mexican army and of the National guard were reported after kill a girl and 2 more people in the municipality of New Laredoin the state of Tamaulipas.

According to reports, the three people They died in two different eventswhich occurred during the night of Friday the 11th, and Saturday, October 12, 2024.

Until now, not even the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), nor the Tamaulipas Prosecutor’s Office have commented on these events, since relatives of the victims demand justice from the authorities and that those responsible be punished.

They point to elements of the Army and National Guard as responsible for the death of a girl and 2 more people in Nuevo Laredo

According to reports, the victims were identified as Lidia Iris “F”only 8 years old, Diego Alfredoan 18-year-old young man, and Yuricie Rivera Elizalde46 years old.

The complaint filed indicates that in the events that occurred on Friday, October 11 Yuricie Rivera diedwho worked as a nurse at the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).

It all happened when the woman was in the company of her husband, Victor Manuel Carrillo Martínez40 years old, and his 9-year-old son.

The family was traveling aboard a 2015 Chevrolet Equinox model truck, in silver, when unexpectedly, upon finding themselves traveling on Eva Sámano Avenue, in the La Fe neighborhood, a group of soldiers opened fire on the vehicle.

As a result of this action Yuricie Rivera was shot in the headso her husband immediately requested the support of the Sedena elements themselves, but they ignored the situation and they left the place.

Regarding the events that occurred during the night of Saturday, October 12, they took place when elements of the National guard They were chasing a group of armed men in the Palmares subdivision.

The minor, only 8 years old, was inside a vehicle driven by her grandmother, when They were caught in the middle of the chase.

The minor’s grandmother reported that National Guard personnel shot repeatedly against the alleged criminals, regardless of the fact that there were cars and civilians near the events.

This resulted in one of the elements shots The family car hit and injured Lidia Iris “F” in the headwithout being able to receive help and died.

Additionally, in the same events and also as a result of the shooting, Diego Alfredo diedwho was inside one of the vehicles that was being chased by National Guard personnel.

However, when the agents managed to stop the vehicle and inspect it, they identified that the victim she was probably kidnapped.

This is because she was tied by her hands and feetin addition to showing visible signs of torture on his body.

Violence in Mexico (Margarito Pérez Retana / Cuartoscuro)

Relatives demand justice for attacks by the Army and National Guard where a girl and 2 more people died

Relatives of the victims of attacks by the Army and National Guard have expressed their demands for justice, after pointing out that until now have not received a response after the facts.

To the demands of justice joined he Human Rights Committee of Nuevo Laredo, who has pointed out the ignored case by municipal and state authorities in the face of these events.

And although the Tamaulipas Prosecutor’s Office collected the corresponding evidence, it is unknown if the Sedena carries out an internal investigation to determine the legal status of the elements of the armed forces.

Army and National Guard are denounced in Nuevo Laredo for killing a girl and 2 more people

Elements of the Mexican Army and the National Guard
(fourth / José Betanzos Zárate)

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