Asking the KPU to be open regarding IT Sirekap, Father Benny: Don’t let there be any clashes – 2024-03-21 11:31:03

by times news cr

2024-03-21 11:31:03

The Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) seeks to complete the recapitulation of national level vote tallies before March 20 2024. Photo Illustration: Ricardo/

jpnn.comJAKARTA – It is feared that mass action protesting the results of the 2024 Election will take place before the determination and announcement on Wednesday 20 March.

Political Communication Expert Antonius Benny Susetyo said that conveying opinions is part of the public’s rights in a democratic country, but should not cause conflict.

The Catholic religious figure said the mass action protesting the election results must be seen as part of democracy.

According to him, in a democratic country it is normal for people to express their aspirations and have different opinions.

Benny assesses that the potential for violence in mass actions protesting the election results is very small. However, he encouraged dialogue to explain the process of holding elections, the KPU must be open to the problems it faces as well as IT issues that are of public concern.

“Don’t let collisions occur because communication is blocked,” said the man known as Father Benny.

Benny said that a questionnaire mechanism could be implemented to prevent widespread mass action. Questionnaires are very important for investigations so that everything becomes clear, suspicions of fraud disappear.

“The questionnaire is the public’s hope, a solution for quality democracy. If the questionnaire goes well, the mass escalation will not automatically escalate. This is our challenge to save democratic civilization by building a healthy democratic process through a mechanism. “The questionnaire mechanism must really prove to the public that it has credibility, so that the public feels reassured, and public assumptions can be answered,” concluded Benny. (flo/jpnn)

The questionnaire is very important for investigations including the KPU’s IT Sirekap so that everything becomes clear in the 2024 election process.

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