Assilah: A conference looks back on 25 years of achievements and achievements of the Kingdom

by times news cr

Organized by the Assilah Forum Foundation, this conference, bringing together experts, former and current ministers, focused on a quarter of a century of achievements, achievements and projects which have made the Kingdom, under the aegis of HM the King, an important regional, continental and Mediterranean actor, both in terms of its diplomacy, as well as in terms of the partnerships established and the stones added to the Moroccan democratic edifice.

Speaking on this occasion, the president of the Assilah Forum Foundation and former minister, Mohamed Benaissa, indicated that since His accession to the Throne, HM King Mohammed VI has given new impetus to Moroccan diplomacy, strengthening it and modernizing it to better serve the interests of the country on a global scale, putting forward the enlightened vision of the Sovereign, which is based on principles of cooperation, partnership and mutual respect, aiming to build balanced and beneficial relations for Morocco and its partners.

“Moroccan diplomacy, under the far-sighted vision of HM the King, has reached heights of international recognition, thanks to concerted efforts and a strategic approach,” he continued, affirming that it has distinguished itself by its commitment to peace, security and sustainable development, allowing the Kingdom to play a significant role on the international scene.

He added that the strategy adopted by the Kingdom, based on strengthening partnerships and bilateral relations with key countries, has been successful in various areas, such as the economy, with the various South-South cooperation projects. South, and politics, with in-depth relationships established in particular with the countries of the continent.

For his part, the Minister of Justice, Abdellatif Ouahbi, presented a chronological analysis of the achievements made by the Kingdom since the accession of HM King Mohammed VI to the Throne of His glorious Ancestors, recalling that HM the King, from His first speech, spoke of a new way of governing and set up the equity and reconciliation body, which allowed the Kingdom to reconcile with its past and be able to see a better future.

Subsequently and under the leadership of HM the King, he continued, the Kingdom entered a significant phase of economic development with the launch of major structuring projects, such as road infrastructure and the Tangier port. Med, adding that these advances have been accompanied by great political achievements, including the establishment of the constitution and new institutions, as well as social achievements, with the establishment of social protection and health insurance for all.

As for the former ambassador and ex-minister, Nouzha Chekrouni, she returned to the achievements made by the Kingdom in the fight for gender equality, which began with Morocco’s accession to the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, and continued with the establishment of the Moudawana which enshrined women’s rights.

And added that the Kingdom continues to work towards achieving gender equality, by adopting laws on the prevention and fight against violence against women, as well as the revision of the Moudawana, in with a view to modernizing it and correcting any deficiencies that may exist.

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