At least 120 poisoned by eating beef in Querétaro. We know this – .

by time news

A mass poisoning in Queretaro It remains unclarified by the authorities, after last Sunday several families ended up in the hospital after consuming beef.

After presenting symptoms as tremors in the body, heavy breathing, nausea and tachycardia, dozens of inhabitants of the municipality of Tolimán went this Sunday, October 13, to the public hospital center in the district.

Most of the people had consumed beef and within a few hours they showed symptoms of severe poisoning.

When the municipal president of TolimanAlejo Sánchez De Santiago, arrived at the scene, around 90 people were already waiting for medical attention by municipal staff who were already being overwhelmed.

Sánchez pointed out that two elderly people were hospitalized and a pregnant woman She was transferred to the Cadereyta hospital, due to the risk of premature birth.

Until now, at least 120 people have been treated at the Tolimán public hospital.

However, neighbors, relatives and patients commented that because the Ministry of Health was slow to respond, many had to go to medical centers and private clinics, spending more than 4 thousand pesos (about $800) on check-ups.

Alma Delia Pérez, one of those affected, stated that the health center was very saturated, and asked the authorities to act accordingly to avoid further damage to patients with chronic diseases.

Citizens expressed fear of consuming beef in the municipality, since the Ministry of Health has not been able to determine the causes or the specific place where these effects originated, even though Those affected have reported having consumed meat from a particular place.

Another of the affected people, identified as Marilis, called on the authorities to regulate the sale of meat “There are butcher shops and establishments that really do not follow the rules (…) One as a consumer does not know if the meat comes from a place that complies with all the health guidelines“, warned the citizen.

The patients detailed that at the health center they were given hydration and medications, in addition to being advised to drink milk to reduce symptoms.

2024-10-16 06:30:00

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