at the heart of an international trade war

by time news

2023-06-27 07:54:07

This is the story of one of the most important aeronautical companies in the world. Fruit of a major Franco-German collaboration, Airbus was born in 1969 when Europe wanted to join the race for the stars between the USSR and the United States, then in the midst of the Cold War.

But despite rapid and growing success – which allowed it to rise to the same level as its American counterpart Boeing – the European aerospace giant experienced its share of turbulence from the 2010s. Cases of corruption and commercial competition will forever mark the image of the group.

In ninety minutes, the documentary by David Gendreau and Alexandre Leraître, told in the style of a thriller, looks back on the various events that shook Airbus. Starting with the CIA accusations, in 2013, which suspects the company of corruption and fraudulent business practices on a global scale. The announcement pushes its CEO, Tom Enders, to urgently launch a “clean hands operation” in order to clean up society.

American pressure

But above all, the film reveals the development of a war waged by the United States against Airbus, whose prosperity overshadows its own manufacturer Boeing. The European group is, on several occasions, threatened with condemnation by the leading country in the conquest of space, whose extraterritorial law makes it possible to judge a foreign company that does not respect its legislation.

This formidable legal weapon, which allows it to defend its commercial interests in the four corners of the globe, will also weaken companies with global reach, such as Alstom. Targeted by an American complaint in 2014, the French company is eventually bought by the American General Electric. A fate that Airbus will ultimately manage to avoid.

Journalists, ex-executives, members of the DGSE or even parliamentarians take turns deciphering this pressure from the United States on their European “allies” and reveal the existence of a global economic and trade war, which is however little known.

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