Atenei, Sister Orsola celebrates 30 years of cultural heritage studies

by time news

twelve o’clock, July 14, 2021 – 1:20 pm

A year of events starts from Procida

Digitization of cultural heritage, gamification of cultural heritage, tourism 4.0, museum management and design of virtual museums. These are just some of the new courses, many of which laboratories and entrusted to professionals in the sector, which will enrich the renewed educational offer of one of the historical degree courses of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples, the oldest Italian non-state university. which was the first in Italy in 1991 to launch a course of study specifically dedicated to cultural heritage.

From that avant-garde course (the first in Italy with an address dedicated to the archeology of the sea), a great training center of international importance was born that has earned the ‘fame’ of “Casa dei Beni Cultural “. Two degree courses, two specialization schools, numerous masters, a specific research doctorate address, all with a renewed and constantly evolving training offer, calibrated on the changing needs of the labor market of one of the sectors destined to grow more in post-pandemic Italy. So much so that the latest AlmaLaurea data on the employment conditions of Italian graduates have shown that the Suor Orsola Benincasa University exceeds the average of Italian universities by more than ten percentage points in one of the most significant data: the effectiveness of the qualification. A figure that measures the spendability of the qualification obtained in the labor market and the use in work of the skills acquired during the course of study and which sees the effectiveness of the degree at Sister Orsola at 78.1%, compared to 66% of the figure national.

“Sciences of cultural heritage: tourism, art and archeology”: the new name of the three-year degree course already tells of its vocation for integrated training in which the enhancement of cultural heritage is conceived in the first place. “A solid and rigorous tradition in the humanities which is combined with a modern vocation for practical training and new technologies”. Cos Paola Villani, director of the Department of Humanities, summarized the ‘trademark’ of the cultural heritage sector of Sister Orsola, presenting today the novelties of the training offer and the many initiatives planned for the thirtieth year that will officially start on November 1, 2021 with the start of the new academic.

IThe baptism of this long celebration will already take place on 16 and 17 July in Procida with an international conference dedicated to travel literature. Two days of studies, with speakers including international ones, which will be hosted by the Civic Museum of Procida, a museum site that symbolizes Sister Orsola’s study, design and research work because it was born from the University project of “Research and Development of prototype tools for 3D digitization and systems for the museumization of submerged and emerged BBCCs “. A project that, in collaboration with the Department of Earth, Environmental and Resource Sciences of the Federico II University of Naples, has given rise to a digital and virtual exhibition / information system called “TERRA – TEchnology and ReseaRch for Archeology ”, dedicated to the dissemination of technologies and research applied to the archaeological and cultural heritage. And it is from that experimental multimedia exhibition area that the Civic Museum of Procida was born in 2017. A Museum that today is a modern and dynamic museum entity capable of combining narrative-informative needs, integrating advanced, digital, interactive and virtual exhibition systems, with the classic exhibition of artifacts, samples and technologies, distributed in thematic itineraries organized according to a museographic project that allows the full understanding of the contents to the different types of visitors.

A museum ‘prototype’ that recounts the results of the training work that takes place today at Suor Orsola in a sector that also preserves the ‘traditional’ path of the Master’s Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. A real ‘school’ of restoration (paintings, woods and precious metals), among the few in Italy directly enabling the restorer profession and reserved for only 20 students per year (admission tests from 6 to 8 October 2021 ). A ‘school’ at the service of the national cultural heritage, because it has also been working for years at the service of the Superintendencies or in collaboration with the Cultural Heritage Protection Unit of the Carabinieri for a precious restoration work of the ‘art thefts’.

The same vocation to work on the job that distinguishes the study paths dedicated to archeology characterized by important excavation sites, including international ones. “Since its activation thirty years ago – highlights the Rector of Sister Orsola Lucio d’Alessandro – we have characterized the degree course in cultural heritage of an immediate connection with practical training in museums, in archaeological excavation campaigns and in institutions public and private companies in the sector “. A precise choice that today is confirmed by a very clear data (source AlmaLaurea): 77.7% of Unisob graduates carried out internships and internships during their course of study, while in the rest of Italian universities the figure stopped at 57.6% “.

July 14, 2021 | 13:20


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