Automotive strike, metal workers in the square in Rome: «Sector in danger, a recovery plan is needed»

by time news

A unified day of strike in the automotive sector and a national demonstration in Rome. Fim-Cisl, Fiom-Cgil and Ulm-Uil are mobilizing together, under the slogan “Change gear: let’s speed towards a fairer future”. Metalworkers’ unions take to the streets to protect employment and relaunch the future of the Italian automotive industry, starting from the Stelllantis sites. The strike started from the first work shift. According to the organizers, participation was high: “20 thousand people on the streets”.

The general secretaries were also in the square

The procession in Rome moves from Piazza Barberini towards Piazza del Popolo, where the general secretaries of the metal workers union, Ferdinando Uliano, Michele De Palma and Rocco Palombella will speak from the stage. Also in the square were the general secretaries of CGIL, CISL and UIL, Maurizio Landini, Luigi Sbarra and Pierpaolo Bombardieri. Delegations from European and global unions were present at the event, where thousands of workers from all over Italy are expected. Opposition leaders are also expected.

The claims

Regarding the unions «Stellantis in Italy and the car industry in Europe in general are collapsing. Industrial and employment prospects are in irremediable danger” and for this reason, as stated in the strike sheet, “answers are urgently needed from the EU, the government, Stellantis and component companies”. Fismic Confsal, Uglm and Associazione Quadri also in various places such as Turin, Bari, Potenza, Naples, Avellino, Cassino and Termoli.

Landini: the government should call Stellantis and the unions

The automotive sector is a strategic sector “but it is at risk. The prospects – from production levels to employment – are not clear, there is no industry plan that defines the future. And we don’t want to stand by and watch. We need to relaunch industrial policies. The government should summon the social partners, Stellantis and the component companies to Palazzo Chigi because an overall strategic plan is needed in Italy and Europe,” said Maurizio Landini, general secretary of the CGIL. “In Italy we are producing 300 thousand cars when we would have the production capacity for 1.5 million cars,” said Landini.

Urso: I respect the unions, tomorrow I call Stellantis

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