Festivals bring with them gifts of happiness but during this time one has to face some problems, for which it is advised to be more careful. Along with cleaning and decorating the house during festivals, one should also take full care of one’s health.
During the festival of Diwali, the level of pollution increases so much that the air of the city starts becoming poisonous, which has a bad effect on our health. Due to changing weather and pollution, respiratory problems quickly affect us, due to which there may be difficulty in breathing.
According to Dr. Surinder Kumar, General Physician, MBBS, New Delhi, People get easily affected by cold and cough like flu. To avoid these problems, you can adopt some Ayurvedic things, which will not only help in getting rid of seasonal flu but will also help in strengthening your immune system.
drinking herbal tea
You can strengthen your immunity by consuming herbal tea made from herbs like Tulsi, Ginger, Ashwagandha and Cinnamon. Taking herbal tea improves the digestion process and drinking Ayurvedic tea purifies the body.
It is important to sleep well
While preparing for the Diwali festival, we ignore sleep, which can be harmful for our health. It is very important to take 7 to 8 hours of sleep not only on normal days but also during the festive season. These days, your body gets tired due to overwork and being active, which requires rest. Having good sleep makes us feel fresh throughout the day.
do pranayam
To maintain better mental health during the festive season, you can take help of meditation and pranayam. This will help in providing you mental peace and along with calming the mind, it is also helpful in maintaining the balance of the body. To clear the respiratory tract and increase the immunity level, do health related pranayam like Anulom Vilom, Bhastrika, Kapalbhati. By doing deep breathing pranayam every morning, you can also get rid of stress. Along with exercise and yoga, it is also important to walk for some time every morning. Try to walk daily. Use stairs instead of lift.
turmeric milk
Many diseases can be avoided by drinking turmeric mixed with milk. If you drink honey or jaggery mixed with turmeric and milk, you can get relief from cough, cold and allergy problems. Not only this, you can also gargle with turmeric water to avoid the effects of pollution. For this, mix small amount of salt and turmeric in warm water and gargle with it before sleeping at night. All these things are rich in anti-viral and antibacterial properties, which help in protecting from infection.
homemade food
One should avoid eating outside food during festivals. To maintain health, eat fresh and hot home-made food. Include green vegetables as well as seasonal fruits in your diet, which are easily digested. Keep in mind that try to eat less than you are hungry and chew your food slowly.
Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.