Wrestling competitions began today at the Gymnasiada in Bahrain.
According to İdman.biz, the freestyle athletes were the first to start performing. Our team won two gold, one silver and six bronze awards.
Huseyin Huseynov (55 kg), Hasan Hasanov (60 kg) became the champions, Farhad Suleimanly (92 kg) won silver, and Farida Aghasizade, Huseyna Ismailova (both 65 kg), Rashada Veysalova, Nikhada Abbasova (71 kg) won bronze. , Nihad Suleimanly (81 kg) and Hakima Taghieva (110 kg).
Wrestling competitions began today at the Gymnasiada in Bahrain.
According to İdman.biz, the freestyle athletes were the first to start performing. Three Azerbaijani athletes made it to the finals: Huseyn Huseynov (55 kg), Hasan Hasanov (60 kg) and Farhad Suleymanly (92 kg) will compete for gold.
A Revan Gamzazade (48 kg), Ramal Mirguseinov (51 kg), Farid Aghasizade, Huseyn Ismailov (both 65 kg), Rashad Veysalov, Nihad Abbasov (both 71 kg), Nihad Suleymanly (81 kg) and Hakim Tagiyev (110 kg) will compete for bronze.