Babu Anthony Chetan was my savior that day: Pisharadi with that diary from 28 years ago

by time news

Ramesh Pisharati said that he was a big fan of Babu Antony in his youth. Babu had tried to grow his hair like Anthony. Pisharadi, who was in the habit of writing a diary then, had pasted Babu Antony’s photo on the cover of the diary so that no one else could read it. It was also written in the diary that if anyone takes this diary, Babu Antony will come and beat him. Ramesh Pisharadi says that he considered Babu Antony as his savior as a child and he still keeps the 28-year-old diary. Pisharadi shared his sweet memories of being with Babu Antony.

“During 1995, Babu Antony Chetan acted in eight or nine films a year. I am his biggest fan then. I want to grow my hair like him. But my hair is curly so it doesn’t grow in the back, if I grow it out it just floats up. So there was sadness in not being able to grow hair.

From 1995 until yesterday, I used to write a diary every day. I always write a diary. I don’t get a printed diary with all the dates. So the diary was written in a normal notebook. We are five children at home. To prevent my brothers from taking my diary and reading it, I cut and pasted a picture of Babu Chetan on the cover of the book and said, “This is Ramesh’s diary.” If you take this, you know I will come and hit you.” Babuchetan is my savior in my mind that day. This is not an exaggeration, I have still kept that diary.”- says Ramesh Pisharati.

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