Baku closed the European gymnastics season

by times news cr

The season in European gymnastics is over. The end was reached in Baku, where the <a href="" title=""Azerbaijan will become the 14th country to host the European TeamGym Championship"
– 2024-04-15 01:19:47″>European TeamGym Championship took place. Teams from fourteen countries competed at the National Arena, and Denmark took first place.

As reported by İ, the competition in the youngest discipline of gymnastics was the first such experience for the organizers. And the National Federation once again did an excellent job, given the many years of hosting major competitions, including World and European Championships, as well as World Cups in various sports. There was no doubt about this initially and we can say that it was Baku that gave TeamGym a new start in life.

Despite the specifics of this discipline, the championship was a very exciting competition. The team factor gave it a special flavor, because each participant tried not only for himself, but also for his team. And the performance on the apparatus turned out to be quite interesting. One of them resembled a floor exercise mat, another was associated with a vault, and the third resembled a mini trampoline.

TeamGym originated in Scandinavia and is most developed in northern Europe. And the results of the European Championship confirmed this again. Three sets of awards were played in Baku: three for juniors and three for seniors among men’s, women’s and mixed teams. And after two days of qualification, the next two days were given over to the final performances.

The championship was marked by the advantage of the Danes, who won three gold and one silver award. The country continues to remain a genemon in this form, although
after the first day of the finals, Sweden was in the lead. But she ended up in third place in the overall standings (1-4-1), losing not only to Denmark, but also to Iceland. The islanders won two finals, adding bronze to them. In total, five teams distinguished themselves at the European Championships – Great Britain (0-1-2) and Norway (0-0-2) also climbed to the podium.

For the Azerbaijani national team, the home TeamGym also became a good test. The backbone of the team was made up of eminent tumbling masters Tofik Aliyev and Adyl Hajizadeh, and also included gymnasts Mansum Safarov, Rasul Akhmedzadeh. Having scored 45.950 points based on the results of their performance on three apparatuses, the hosts took seventh place in the qualifications, while the top six made it to the finals.

It is worth mentioning separately about the atmosphere of the championship. The stands of the National Gymnastics Arena were filled with fans. The Icelanders, Danes, Swedes, and British actively supported their teams, waving flags and cheering on the athletes. Also, according to tradition, the European Gymnastics mascot Luigi was also visible, who again “did routines” and amused the audience.

In short, the closing of the season in European gymnastics turned out to be bright and eventful. Baku once again lived up to expectations and gave bright emotions to all participants.

Zaki Feizullaev


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