Barça manages to draw in Kiel a match that they had won

by time news

The Barça forgave Kiel when he had it perfectly controlled and at the end of the game where errors on the part of Barça predominated. The Catalan team wasted a partial of 5-0 and saved a point when Fabregas tied at 30 goals just nine seconds from the end, in the Champions League trip to Kiel.

The azulgranas started the game dominating the Germans and always going ahead on the scoreboard. It was a superb start where he stood out Gonzalo Perez de Vargas with his stops, a performance that helped Barça to reach the break with an advantage. In 10 minutes of the game, the group of Ortega He got a five-goal advantage, against a Kiel that did not know how to react and that submitted to the power and better game of the visitors.

bright start

The first half was brilliant, seamless and there was nothing to suggest the problems that Barça would go through in the final phase of the match. The break was reached with clear Catalan dominance with a 14-18 very favorable. However, the local reaction began in the second half, even though the Catalans began the period focused, with a forceful defense and being effective in attacks. The Like gradually reduced the advantage and with a partial 4-0 Visiting errors began and thus the Germans, with a crazy crowd, placed themselves for the first time with a favorable score and 29-28.

Lots of nerves and almost feared defeat when Kiel went ahead with two goals (30-28), at the time limit. There was only a minute and a half left for the conclusion and the game was going uphill for Barça. Janc made it 30-29 and Barça recovered the ball again so that Fabregas tied at 30 goals. On November 30, Kiel visits the Palau.

The party sheet

Like: Mrkva (Landin, m.31 a 60); Edberg (9.5p), Reinkind (3), Overby (-) Wiencek (-), Wallinius (-), Dahmke (-), siete initial, Duvnjak (5), Weinhold (3), Zarabek (4), Landin Jacobsen (3), Pekeler (2), Bilyk (-), Fraatz (1).

Barça: Mrkva (Landin, m.31 a 60); Edberg (9.5p), Reinkind (3), Overby (-) Wiencek (-), Wallinius (-), Dahmke (-), siete initial, Duvnjak (5), Weinhold (3), Zarabek (4), Landin Jacobsen (3), Pekeler (2), Bilyk (-), Fraatz (1).

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Partial intervals every five minutes: 2-3, 4-8, 7-9, 9-12, 11-16, 14-18 (rest), 16-20, 18-22, 22-25, 23-26, 26- 28 and 30-30 (end).

Referees: Valdas Mazeikas (LIT) and Mingaugas Gatelis (LIT) Exclusions: Wiencek (m.23 and 59) and Obervy (m.38) for Kiel and Mem (m.12) and Frade (m.49) for Barça.

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