In the town of San Pedro, Nuevo León, Mexico, a family experienced a strange event when, while they were at home, they encountered an unexpected visitor: a large bear that had entered.
Shock and surprise took over them as they saw how the animal, in search of food, began to explore the kitchen.
The situation became even more curious when the bear not only rummaged through the trash, but also accessed the refrigerator.
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The moment was captured in a video that quickly circulated on various social media platforms and in it, you can clearly see the furry “friend” enjoying the remains of food he found, including some wrappers that the family had left.
Likewise, throughout the video, the curious behavior of the bear is evident, as it prowled from one room to another, while the inhabitants, although shocked, seemed amazed rather than terrified.
Despite its large size and imposing appearance, the bear showed no signs of aggression, which was a relief to those present.
Naturally, the images caused a sensation on the networks, generating comments and surprised reactions among users, who could not believe what they were witnessing.
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So far, the fate of the bear is unknown, although the fact that it did not show any attitude towards the family could represent a stroke of luck for them.
Surely, and even though it will be an unforgettable memory, this family from Mexico will now take extreme precautions to avoid another “surprise” of this type in their home, and it is possible that many other families in the region will make the same decision.
Editorial of Cubans around the World
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