Big fall in stock market, investor protests

by times news cr

The Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) ended the second business day of the week on Monday (October 28) with major declines in indices.

On this day, the amount of money traded in DSE increased slightly compared to the previous working day, but it decreased in CSE. At the same time, shares of most companies and mutual funds traded on DSE and CSE fell.

From Monday morning, the trading started in both the capital markets with a fall in prices. According to the pre-announcement, around 10:30 a.m. in front of the old building of Dhaka Stock Exchange in Motijheel, general investors led a human chain and protest program to demand the resignation of BSEC Chairman Khandkar Rashed Maksud. On the other hand, at around 2 pm, ordinary investors led by Bangladesh Capital Market Investors Association held a demonstration in front of Bangladesh Bank to implement 10 demands as an immediate action to prevent the fall in the capital market.

According to DSE and CSE sources, at the end of the day, the main index of DSE, DSEX, is 66.86 points lower than the previous day at 4,898 points. The DSE Sharia index fell by 20.27 points to 1,877 points and the DS30 index fell by 25.10 points to 1,805 points.

A total of 397 shares and units of companies were traded on DSE. Among them, share and unit prices increased in 105 companies, decreased in 246 and remained unchanged in 46.

A total of 357 crore 24 lakh shares and units were traded in DSE today. Shares and units worth Tk 303 crore and 80 lakh were traded on the previous working day.

On the other hand, Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) CSCX index is 119.09 points lower than the previous day at 8 thousand 406 points. Overall index CASPI decreased by 185.28 points to 13 thousand 821 points, Sharia index decreased by 16.42 points to 892 points and CSE 30 index decreased by 95.77 points to 11 thousand 509 points.

Shares and units of 192 companies were traded on CSE. Among them, the share and unit prices of 52 companies increased, 126 decreased and 14 remained unchanged.

At the end of the day, shares and units worth Tk 3 crore were traded in CSE. Shares and units worth Tk 4 crore 25 lakh were traded on the previous working day.

Bangladesh Capital Market Investors Association coordinator Nurul Islam Manik demanded immediate implementation of their 10 proposals regarding the immediate action to prevent the fall in the capital market during the human chain in the afternoon.

The demands of the investors’ association are:

Given the current market situation, the gain-tax should be withdrawn quickly.

Due to the current market conditions, undue interference (investigations and untimely transfers to Z group etc.) should be stopped. Shares of companies shall not have any category (eg: ‘A’ ‘B’ ‘Z’ etc.). Companies must pay a minimum of 80 percent of earnings as dividends.

Banks, finance, insurance, mutual funds and ICBs, including the capital market, should be fully implemented. Investing in the Exchange Traded Fund Market (ETF) is quick. Companies must have a minimum shareholding of 30 percent with immediate effect.

BSEC has mandated at least 10 mutual funds to bring market investments in quick time. If a listed company fails to pay dividends for two consecutive years, its board must be reconstituted. Force sales must be stopped.

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