Billa retail chain requires mandatory vaccination from suppliers

by time news

In those regions where the authorities issued a decree on compulsory vaccination of trade workers, contractors are required to vaccinate (by August 15 in Moscow, Moscow and Tula regions and by August 25 in the Nizhny Novgorod region), according to a letter received from the Billa retail chain product suppliers. Billa also “recalls its duty” to ensure that applications under its current contract with Billa are fulfilled by staff who have completed a full course of vaccinations. The company also asks partners to provide information on the level of vaccination of their employees in these regions.

“Vedomosti” got acquainted with a copy of the letter, the representative of Billa confirmed the sending of such a letter. The company considers it necessary to notify contractors about the obligation to comply with the requirements of current regulations, in particular those aimed at combating the spread of coronavirus through vaccinations, he added.


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