Bundestag approves controversial clinic reform after long negotiations

by times news cr

After long discussions, the traffic light clinic reform is on the way – accompanied by a lot of criticism. The number of hospitals in the country will decrease. But the quality should improve.

Germany’s hospitals are facing a comprehensive reorganization. After two years of preparation, the Bundestag passed the traffic light coalition’s controversial hospital reform. The houses should be relieved of financial pressure and specialize more in treatments. The opposition rejected the plan.

The reform still has to go through the Federal Council. According to the draft law, it does not require approval there, but it can be stopped in the mediation committee.

It is planned to change the current remuneration with flat rates for treatment cases in clinics. In the future, they should receive 60 percent of the remuneration for holding certain offers. This is intended to reduce the pressure to treat as many cases as possible.

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) said that the reform would increase the quality of treatment in German hospitals and maintain a comprehensive network of good clinics in the country. “At the same time, hospitals that are not necessary are being dismantled or converted.” The concrete implementation of the reform should take place step by step over several years, so it will not be immediately noticeable for patients.

With around 1,700 hospitals, Germany has the highest hospital and bed density in Europe, according to the Ministry of Health. However, many beds are not occupied. Many clinics are in the red.

The new payment system is intended to reduce financial pressure and prevent clinics from carrying out medically unnecessary operations for reasons of revenue. The basis for financing by the health insurance companies should be “performance groups”. They should describe the respective clinic treatments in more detail and ensure nationwide quality standards.

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