Businessman Tomás Muhongo discusses project with CNJ

by time news

2023-09-20 14:13:21

News from Angola – Young businessman Tomás Muhongo was received, on Monday, the 18th, in Luanda, by the President of the National Youth Council (CNJ), Isaías Domingos Kalunga, to discuss the possibility of his company offering special prices exclusively for “fighting, non-partisan young people”.

By: Mateus Sorte

According to a post on the businessman’s Facebook social network, the matter was discussed in a meeting held behind closed doors, at the CNJ headquarters, and the service provided by the Rosário TM Imobiliário Company was evaluated.

“Businessman Tomás Muhongo promptly confirmed the possibility of offering special prices exclusively for youth and promised to lay the groundwork for the construction of properties that will directly benefit youth in the near future,” the publication reads.

National Youth Council (CNJ) is a non-partisan platform that enjoys its own legal personality and is non-profit, made up of 51 youth organizations with effective members and 722 partners, including philanthropic, political, religious, student, environmental, pressure group, sports and cultural activities at a national level.

Present in 18 provinces, 164 municipalities, 43 districts and 517 communes.

#Businessman #Tomás #Muhongo #discusses #project #CNJ

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