Caminhos de Santiago International Colloquium focuses on “the meaning of the Camino”

by time news

The X⁢ Caminhos de ‌Santiago International Colloquium takes place from November 14 to 16, in the Parish ​of the Rates. With the theme “Emotions of the Path”, the event will bring together, for three⁣ days, in the Village of the Rates, speakers from ​Portugal, ‍Brazil, Spain, France, Italy, Germany,⁢ Japan, Norway, from the Czech‌ Republic and Romania.

On ​November 15,⁤ at 10 ⁢am, at⁣ the S.​ Pedro⁢ de Rates Museum Center, an Exhibition of Illustrations by Maria ‌Droc (Romania) will ⁤be‍ opened in the book “Compostela” by ‌Gonzalo Torrente Ballester.​ The Commissioner ‍of​ this Exhibition is Elena Mocanu (Romania). Afterwards,⁣ the​ Parish​ Council‌ receives the presentation of⁢ Volume IX of the Proceedings of⁢ the International ‍Colloquiums, with a communication from ⁤Cecília Pereira Marimón‍ (Spain) Comisária del ⁤Xacobeo ⁢21-22, Deolinda Carneiro and José Flores, from the Municipal ⁣Museum of Ethnography and History. Póvoa de Varzim. This year, it is part of the ​Colloquium program, a Book Fair that will be ‌organized by the Subprefecture.

To register and‌ get more information, interested parties should contact us by email at or by telephone 252 951⁢ 492.

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