The X Caminhos de Santiago International Colloquium takes place from November 14 to 16, in the Parish of the Rates. With the theme “Emotions of the Path”, the event will bring together, for three days, in the Village of the Rates, speakers from Portugal, Brazil, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, Norway, from the Czech Republic and Romania.
On November 15, at 10 am, at the S. Pedro de Rates Museum Center, an Exhibition of Illustrations by Maria Droc (Romania) will be opened in the book “Compostela” by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. The Commissioner of this Exhibition is Elena Mocanu (Romania). Afterwards, the Parish Council receives the presentation of Volume IX of the Proceedings of the International Colloquiums, with a communication from Cecília Pereira Marimón (Spain) Comisária del Xacobeo 21-22, Deolinda Carneiro and José Flores, from the Municipal Museum of Ethnography and History. Póvoa de Varzim. This year, it is part of the Colloquium program, a Book Fair that will be organized by the Subprefecture.
To register and get more information, interested parties should contact us by email at or by telephone 252 951 492.