Cash at ATMs could become scarce

by times news cr

Strikes in the cash-in-transit industry could lead to cash shortages in the coming days. The reason is deadlocked collective bargaining between Verdi and the industry association BDGW.

Employees in the cash transport industry want to stop work on Thursday and Friday following a call from the Verdi union. The background is ongoing wage and collective bargaining negotiations, which will continue these days. A rally will take place in Frankfurt on Thursday.

According to Verdi, the Federal Association of German Money and Valuable Services (BDGW) did not present an acceptable offer in the second round of negotiations. Even after the warning strikes at the end of September and beginning of October, there was no improvement. During these strikes, cash at ATMs became scarce in the region.

Verdi requires that all working hours beyond eight hours be paid with overtime premiums. The union is also calling for a uniform holiday pay and Christmas bonus amounting to half of the gross monthly salary as well as 31 days of holiday per year. Wages are expected to rise to up to 23 euros per hour.

According to BDGW, the basic wage in stationary money processing is currently between 15.73 and just over 18 euros per hour, and in cash and valuables transport between 18.47 and 21.18 euros per hour – without any surcharges. The association sharply criticized the warning strike given its scope and the short notice.

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