The Castro dictatorship has sent more than 3,000 slave doctors to Mexico, as recently reported by the communist propaganda media.
In that sense, they indicated that there are at least 3,248 “collaborators” deployed in Mexican lands, which shows the complicity that the outgoing government of the leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador had with the Castro tyranny, by hiring these slave doctors and contributing to the system of modern slavery that is promoted from Havana.
Likewise, in the report from the Castro media they specify that the first group of 54 Cuban specialist doctors arrived on July 22, 2002 in the state of Nayarit, “and from that date until then, there are 3,248 collaborators deployed throughout Mexican lands. ”.
It is worth mentioning that sending Cuban doctors to Mexican lands has caused rejection among local health professionals, who believe that they could cover the demand for doctors in rural areas of the country.
On occasions, Mexican doctors have expressed their rejection of the presence of Cubans in Aztec lands.
It is worth mentioning that, weeks ago, it was known that the Mexican government under the command of AMLO has paid more than 23 million euros to the Cuban dictatorship for the hiring of 610 Cuban slave doctors for the period between July 2022 and December 2022. 2023, once again evidencing the complicity of the leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador with the Castro dictatorship.
The data revealed by an investigation carried out by the local newspaper El Universal, which also stated that of that group of hired doctors, at least 48 fled after providing health services in rural areas of Mexican territory.
READ ALSO: Two Cuban slave doctors are mistaken for criminals in Mexico and end up arrested
Editorial Cubans around the World
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