Causes of Osteoporosis in Humans: Symptoms, Complications, and Treatment Methods

by time news

2023-12-25 02:20:01
Osteoporosis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Complications

Osteoporosis is considered one of the common diseases that affect the bones, as it negatively affects the basic structure of the bones, making them brittle, weak, and more susceptible to fracture. In this article, we discuss the main causes of osteoporosis and its symptoms.

Causes of osteoporosis in humans

There are several causes that can lead to the development of osteoporosis, including:

– Following an incorrect diet that does not contain calcium, as it plays an essential role in strengthening bones, or following a low-protein diet that reduces the incidence of bone diseases.
– Vitamin D deficiency, which can lead to poor bone health and increased susceptibility to fractures.
– Lack of regular exercise and inactivity.
– Chronic diseases such as arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
– Excessive smoking and consumption of caffeine, energy drinks, and soft drinks.
– Low estrogen levels in women after menopause and menopause.
– Mood swings and depression.
– Prolonged use of certain medications and disorders of some glands.
– Genetic factors.

Symptoms of osteoporosis

Some symptoms that may indicate osteoporosis include:

– Inability to walk or move normally as before.
– Severe back and neck pain.
– Weak hand grip.
– Arching and bending in the upper back.
– Short stature and increased susceptibility to bone fractures.
– Weak nails and general weakness in strength and bone structure.
– Severe depression.

Complications of osteoporosis

Complications of osteoporosis may include fractures in the body, especially in the spine and thigh bones, which can lead to disability and surgical complications, as well as fractures in the bones of the hands resulting from falling accidents.

Diagnosis of osteoporosis

Methods to diagnose osteoporosis include medical examinations, bone density measurements, X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and genetic analysis.

Treatment of osteoporosis

Treatment methods for osteoporosis vary and may include medications to increase estrogen levels, improve bone strength, and reduce bone loss, as well as physical therapy to improve body movement and strength. Home treatments can also play a significant role in managing osteoporosis, such as regular exercise, calcium-rich diet, avoiding certain habits, and ensuring sufficient vitamin D intake.

In conclusion, understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment methods of osteoporosis is crucial in reducing the risk of contracting the disease and managing its effects on bone health.]
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