CDMX offers free vaccines against measles to protect children

by times news cr

2024-04-14 14:58:27

Measles has once again put the health authorities of Mexico on alertafter four cases of this highly contagious disease were recorded during the current year.

In Mexico, in 2024 and until week 13, according to the federal Ministry of Health, a total of 859 probable cases of measles or rubella have been reported, that is, suspected and subject to analysis, of which they have been confirmed four of measles, of which one is imported and three probably related to import.

The Ministry of Health of Mexico City (SEDESA) has launched an urgent call to mothers, fathers and/or guardians to go to the nearest Health Centers and take advantage of the availability of measles vaccines for girls and boys who still do not have this important immunization.

These vaccines, essential to protect the health of the little ones, are available free of charge in all first-level health centers in the city. SEDESA has established opening hours from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to guarantee access to this important preventive measure.

Importantly, the first measles dose is administered at 12 months of age, followed by a second dose at 18 months. For those children born before 2022, the second dose is administered at six years of age.

The vaccine that is being administered to boys and girls up to nine years old is the Triple Viral, also known as SRP, which protects against measles, rubella and mumps. For those over 10 years of age, the Double Viral vaccine has been available, which protects against measles and rubella.

Since February 28, the Public Health Services of Mexico City have implemented the Intensive Measles Vaccination Campaign 2024, having a total of 111,690 doses for distribution.

Despite the efforts made, the 2023 Rapid Vaccination Coverage Survey (ERCV) has revealed that coverage of the Triple Viral vaccine in the country’s capital reaches only 85%.

For this reason, a call is made to the population to join this important initiative and increase the vaccination ratethus guaranteeing the protection of the health of all the boys and girls in the city.

Mexico detects four imported cases of measles in 2024

The first case was detected in Marchwhen a child of one year and eight months, from Europe, showed positive results in laboratory tests.

Concern has intensified because the three additional cases are associated with the first, suggesting a possible chain of contagion among travelers. Among the newly affected are a Mexican adult and a six-month-old baby of English origin, as well as an adult of foreign nationality.

The origin of these infections dates back to a flight that left London bound for Mexico, on which the first patient detected was traveling. During the journey, a Mexican adult, with no history of vaccination against measles, was infected.

The second case corresponds to a six-month-old baby of English nationality, who, due to his young age, had not yet received the first dose of the vaccine against this disease. Finally, the third case is of an adult of foreign origin.

This imported measles outbreak highlights the importance of vaccination and preventive measures in a globalized world. Although measles had been controlled in Mexico thanks to the effectiveness of vaccination programs, the presence of imported cases evidences the need to maintain surveillance and vaccination coverage at all times.

Health authorities have intensified monitoring and control actions to prevent the spread of the virus and guarantee the protection of the population.

Epidemiological notice for measles

The Ministry of Health, through the National Committee for Epidemiological Surveillance (Conave), has issued a new notice regarding the detection of imported cases of measles, an urgent reminder for all primary, secondary and tertiary care medical units in Mexico.

This advisory highlights the importance of maintaining rigorous epidemiological surveillance and accurate diagnosis of probable cases of measles or rubella, as well as implementing effective preventive measures to prevent the reintroduction of the virus into the country and ensure adequate control of the disease.

Measles, a highly contagious viral disease, represents a serious threat to public health due to its easy transmission through respiratory droplets from infected people. Therefore, it is essential that medical units are prepared to identify and adequately manage suspected cases of this disease.

The epidemiological notice provides detailed recommendations on the actions to follow if a probable case of measles or rubella is detected, as well as on the prevention and control measures that must be implemented to contain the spread of the virus.

These measures include isolating infected patients, monitoring close contacts, vaccinating the susceptible population, and promoting appropriate hygiene practices to prevent transmission of the virus.

The Ssa pointed out that Mexico has a robust and well-established epidemiological surveillance system for the early detection of cases of measles and other infectious diseases.

However, the collaboration and commitment of all medical units is essential to ensure an effective response to this public health threat.

The agency called on the population to comply with the measles vaccination schedule, which includes two doses of the triple viral vaccine for children and adolescents. This measure is essential to prevent outbreaks of the disease and protect the health of the general population.

2024-04-14 14:58:27

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