Charter of rights for people with multiple sclerosis, reached 61,000 signatures

by time news

2023-05-31 15:35:16

One year after the launch of the renewed version of the Charter of the rights of people with multiple sclerosis and related pathologies, on 30 May 2022, by Aism, the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association, the collection of signatures continues on the website. The signatures for signing the document reached 61,000, involving bodies, institutions, companies, entrepreneurs, celebrities and ordinary people. And on the occasion of a conference promoted in the Senate by Aism as part of the Week dedicated to multiple sclerosis, Francesco Vacca, president of Aism, launches an appeal for “everyone to sign this Charter because it represents – he explains – the pillar of people’s rights not only with multiple sclerosis, but of all those who live with a condition of disability, serious pathology or frailty. The goal is to reach 137,000 signatures by 2025, one for each person with multiple sclerosis”.

The answer also came from the institutions. The Minister for Disabilities Alessandra Locatelli, who wanted to sign the Charter of Rights at the beginning of the year, affirms that “all together we have the task of giving a voice to those who live with a disability, consolidating those alliances and relationships that allow us to be concretely at their flank”.

“The Bill of Rights of people with MS – concludes Mario Alberto Battaglia, president of the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (Fism) – is a concrete and innovative exercise of co-responsibility and sharing, transparency and sustainability”. Through this document – reads a note – the social value of people with serious pathologies and disabilities is recalled, and of all those, family members and caregivers, who share their life journey every day; but those who live with a pathology such as MS and related pathologies such as Nmosd (Neuromyelitis Optic Spectrum Disorders) not only want to obtain recognition of their rights, but strongly ask to be able to make their contribution to the world of work, school, of society and to contribute to the growth of the community and the country.

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