Child in Baracoa, critical after a tree falls on his home

by times news cr

A serious incident occurred in Baracoa, Guantánamo, where a six-year-old boy, identified as Yodelmis Furones Matos, was seriously injured due to a tree falling on the roof of his home.

The accident left the little boy unconscious and with significant head trauma. Given the urgency of his situation, an air transfer to the “Octavio de la Concepción y la Pedraja” General Teaching Hospital and later to the Pediátrico Sur in Santiago de Cuba was necessary.

Child in Baracoa, critical after a tree falls on his home

Conditions in Baracoa were critical, since the passage of Hurricane Oscar caused severe damage to local infrastructure, making land roads practically impassable.

This forced the authorities to resort to a helicopter to take the child to receive medical attention. The meteorological event not only affected Yodelmis, but left a trail of destruction throughout the region, causing damage to homes and hospitals.

In that sense, the Operations Department of the Civil Defense General Staff reported on the numerous losses of human life in the region, stating that the victims may have died from drowning in the floods resulting from the tropical storm.

So far, a total of seven fatalities have been recorded after the natural phenomenon passed through the largest of the Antilles.

OTHER NEWS: Hurricane Oscar caused damage to the municipal hospital of Baracoa (+VIDEO)

It is expected that, in the next few hours, new details will come to light about the state of health of little Yodelmis, whose life is in the prayers of all Cubans.

It is no secret to anyone that the arrival of a storm in Cuba, even if its intensity is not that strong, translates into chaos for the region, due to the precariousness of the infrastructure due to the Castro regime, which does not bother about anything. more minimum in renewing.

Editorial of Cubans around the World

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