Chile: They commemorate the 50th anniversary of the coup d’état

by time news

2023-09-11 02:00:00

“Giving them a dignified burial is the least that can be demanded of a country where the rule of law governs,” he considered. “The Chilean justice system and all those who have information and remain silent owe a debt to them and to Chile,” he added.

“Pretending that nothing has happened or arguing that a lot of time has passed not only does not resolve the situation that so many Chileans are crying out for, but it aggravates it,” he said.

For this reason, he called on all Chileans “personally and collectively, through political parties, trade associations, professional, civil and military associations, schools, colleges and universities” to declare publicly and unambiguously “that there is no room for torture, the forced disappearance of people, summary executions, beheadings and any type of humiliation of human beings.”

“Violence should never be a form of political action and an end, no matter how noble, should never be sought through evil,” continued Bishop Chomali.

#Chile #commemorate #50th #anniversary #coup #détat

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